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Dec 17, 13 at 6:48pm
1. Maybe I misunderstood your words of unwarranted condescension as freaking out. 2. Like I said, I wouldn't have said anything if that was all that you did because he obviously brought it upon himself. I may have combined things that you as well as others said that made me feel he was being ripped apart (more like ganged up on). That wasn't only you, though, and looking back on it, you weren't even the main initiator. 3. Yes, it is my opinion. And it is your opinion that you were not being immature, so that cannot be stated with "Period. No debating." 4. I don't care if you coddle my feelings, I just don't think you should act so high and mighty. 5. Okay, then you shouldn't have called it immature. Glad you cleared up that misunderstanding. 6. I wasn't saying that you literally made me do anything. I was saying that based on how you acted, that is why I did say something. 7. No one is ever 100% mature. I'm not going off on you, so that would be a correct assumption. Yes, everyone is allowed to disagree. Its just normal that people still RESPECT others instead of belittling them when doing so. I like facts. I like things that cannot be disputed. Relying on name calling and such like IS immature, you cannot deny that. I've actually never heard the term White Knighting before. I don't know what the specifics of it are, but I assume it is referring to "galloping up on a white horse as a knight in shining armor to save the day." If it literally means that I am trying to save the day by saying something, I guarantee you that I am not. I just cannot stand seeing people belittle others for no apparent reason. Abrasive IS a negative term. It always has been. The definition of abrasive is as follows: tending to annoy or cause ill will; overly aggressive: an abrasive personality. How could that ever be positive? Want to know synonyms that come up for abrasive? annoying, biting, caustic, cutting, sharp, galling, hard to take, hateful, hurtful, rubbing the wrong way ANTONYMS? agreeable, calm, kind, nice, pleasant, pleasing, moderate, likeable. I hope THIS shows you why it is NOT positive. Being straight forward and direct is sometime viewed as negative when it shouldn't be. I am very straight forward and direct and I get shit for it all the time because people don't want to hear the truth half the time. Yes, being nice all the time in a fake way isn't a good thing. We live in a world where people are afraid of conflict. You know what, they shouldn't be. Conflict is good. It is a learning experience and helps people grow. But being overly aggressive is also not a good thing. I hope this made my stance clear on everything you asked.
Dec 17, 13 at 7:05pm
Kichigai, by what you wrote I would assume that you cooked for yourself nearly all the time. Not ALL the time but nearly all the time. I don't think it's humanly possible to be abrasive ALL the time, but nearly all the time...yes. This argument is going in circles now -_-
1 - you obviously did misunderstand my warranted condenscention as freaking out. It may not have been warranted in your eyes, but then again, you're not me. 2 - There is no 'may'. You did. trying to belittle your own actings is unbecoming of you. It seems as tho you're using me as a target of your rant because of reasons. 3 - Period. No debating. You guys keep assuming stuff and not take my words for what they mean. I never said that 0 was immature. I said he was acting and being it. I also said he wasn't acting mature enough. Really wish you people would start reading and stop assuming. 4 - High and mighty? Well, you obviously know not of who you speak to, King of Knights. 5 - you obviously don't know what the word immature means… If you're stupid, then you're immature. It was a stupid remark that made him look & sound immature. 6 - Yes… yes you were. Clearly. When you say that I made you do something, that's exactly how it comes out. If you were trying to mean something else, then I obviously missed it. 7 - So, if that's the case, why are you so hung up on being it? It sounds like you're the one who's attempting to be all high & mighty, my lovely king of knights. You say normal as if we all are. Or better yet, as if we, or at least I, WANT to be normal. As for me belittle anyone, so what? The only person I belittled were 2 people that started with me. Again, in your eyes, you don't see it, which is fine. Apparently calling someone a "snot nosed brat with his head up his ass" is not starting something in your world. To me, that's begging for it. I simply delivered. You wanna know why I said what I said? It's because of 0 telling me what to do. dafuq? Don't you ever in your sheltered life tell me what to do. Don't tell me to chill, calm down, relax, nothing. unless you know where i'm coming from and where I'm going, keep your orders or give em to someone else. What pisses me off is when someone is telling me I'm something that I'm not and when someone tells me to do something I am. Now, I didn't have to call him a gentleboy, or post who he looks like. That was for fun. I baited him. I just didn't realize that with that bait, I'd reel in 3 people. Abrasive does NOT mean that. Abrasive means showing little concern for the feelings of others; harsh. I have NO clue where you got that definition from but it's wrong in every sense. So are your SYNONYMS and some of your ANTONYMS. You can be very abrasive and be calm at the same time. I'm being that as we speak. You can be abrasive and agree with people. YOu can be abrasive and be *likable (not likeable). So yeah, after reading what you put, you're shown showing me how ignorant you truly are. Yes, you've made yourself very clear, King of Knights. You're trying to tell me that I'm just a ruthless asshole that attacks people for no reason and try to act high & mighty while I do so. You're trying to say that I had no right to belittle 0 and that I ganged up on Michael, even tho Michael had it coming. You're also saying that I am no where near as mature as I think I am and I need not to be so abrasive for it is not a good thing by definition and is wrong to believe otherwise. …You couldn't be more wrong. In fact, what you really showed me is that I pissed you off and you wanted to tell me off for whatever reason you conjured up in your abysmal mind with the notion that I need to be knocked down a couple pegs. Please… You ignore what 0 said and take it as he was justified in his reaction towards my comment and completely zoned out kidpool, who hopped on Michael's case for contradicting himself and continued to focus all your attention onto me. You really are an amusing creature. Trying to make yourself feel better by throwing stones at the throne. stop it. As immature as you're attempting to label me, you just as bad, if not worse.
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Dec 17, 13 at 8:32pm
I got the definition as well as synonyms and antonyms from dictionary.com. Where did you get yours? You are one of the largest hypocrites I have ever seen. Half the things that come out of your mouth are just ridiculous. So you think its fine to bait someone but its not fine for others to call you out when you do such things? Seriously? And how is this ME acting all high and mighty and not YOU? Honestly, the fact that you have to revert to turning things back on me that I said because you don't have anything yourself goes to show something. Everything you have said shows the kind of person you are, and if you think people are misinterpreting it, that is YOUR fault. YOU are responsible for the image you put out there. And I'm the one looking ignorant here? Really? And nope, I didn't say any of that. You came up with it yourself. Though now I am pretty sound in my judgement of you being a douche bag. I sure as hell hope you don't treat girls the way I have seen you acting in the forums. But hey, if you do, it explains why you are single. I even said that looking back, I saw you weren't the main instigator against Micheal, but the things we were arguing about really weren't about that, so there was no point in me bring the other person into this. He didn't go after zero or start calling names. I really would love to learn your logic in coming up with half the things you said because as far as I can see, there is none. I'm pretty sure arguing with you has no point as you will never admit anything could possible be put on your side, but hey, prove me wrong.
You have yet to point out anything I said that was hypocritical. You're right. it is my fault that people misinterpret. Which is why I do my best to explain. I hate it when I am misinterpreted. I never denied that I think highly of myself. I would be lying if I said I didn't. Again, SO the FUCK WHAT? Why do you give 2 shits how I see and view myself? as for me baiting him, yeah, I did. he took it, and you took it. you obviously don't understand what trolling is. You poor damned fool. It's ok. One day, when you're older, you'll learn. You are the one who's arguing. I'm simply telling a child that she's nowhere near as 'right' as she thinks she may be. You continue to assume instead of asking the right questions which is why you'll continue to look like an idiot incapable of learning. How bout instead of making wild accusations you actually ask an intelligent question. Karasu has kept himself above board and has yet to sink to the lower levels that you have dug to. But then again, that's the difference between an adult and a child. I have no excuse. Now, I'm doing this for the lulz and you're simply feeding the fire. I like talking to pompous brats like you from time to time. Just to see how their world turns. @Karasu 2 things 1 - If that's how you would take that, then how come me saying, "I'm abrasive because I want to be." means all the time if the previous statement means a lot? You just made 2 - to be honest, both ways you assumed is adding words. in both statements neither even attempts to hint at all the time. I'd give you "a lot" but all the time? really? That right there would be the difference between your train of thought and mine. If someone told me that they were abrasive because they want to and blah blah blah, my next question would be "how often would you say you're abrasive" so that I don't ASSUME what you are.
@whiteknight Now, the mature thing to do here is to ignore me and just accept that you're not going to change my mind with such feeble attempts. Nor will your words make me have an epiphany and stop being abrasive. But you're not going to do that. You're too proud to do that. cause god forbid you don't have the last word. It's like you don't read what I put and you simply target certain things and just run with them. Well, go for it. tell me something else about myself that I don't know cause I'm too blind and too full of myself. I await your response with pleasure, mongrel.
Dec 17, 13 at 9:03pm
I think as long as everyone has had their points across I say lay the matter to bed. Except kichigai, you started the thread so your right to steer it anywhere you see fit. At the point the discussion has turned to its all based on personal opinons on forum etiquette. point being "man convinced against his will is still a man unconvinced" and everyone I've heard speak already has their mind set. Save yourself the discussion unless your enjoying yourself, and let well enough alone. Threads like these are hotbeds for trolls. What I will say in response to the original post and kichigai's feels as a whole. I wholeheartdly agree about the male population here, can't say why you decided to champion the task of bringing so much attention to it. Which leads me to another point, the males or population here is signifcantly younger, like 14-22.. and you somewhat expect maturity... wut? On an online forum even...? Just no. As for my point I've said my behalf, don't intend to respond from here. It just bothers me to see more "immature" people being drawn to the argument from here on.
god damn it wind.... Don't spoil my fun!!! This was getting gooooooood.
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