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FG1R18A1 @fg1r18a1
left a comment for
Trash Ramen
FG1R18A1 @fg1r18a1
yo K how you been man long time are you going to katsucon this year I'll be there Saturday lets meet up if you still have my phone # text me I lost my phone teehee

MaliceRaven @maliceraven
left a comment for
Trash Ramen
MaliceRaven @maliceraven
Is Katsucon good?
It is making me want Katsu chicken...

Trash Ramen @exherokid Katsucon is amazing if you wanna take good pictures and get good pictures taken of you because the scenery is amaze balls, theres a good amount of people, 10-15k and a good con if you know people or wanna try and get to know people.
MAGFest is da party "con" that happens around the same time as Katsu too doe, a lot of people (the ones that don't care too much or obsessive about cosplaying) are leaning towards because they wanna party, and there are better guests at MAG. not so much at KAtsu lol.

MaliceRaven @maliceraven
left a comment for
Trash Ramen
MaliceRaven @maliceraven
lol "making him go"

Trash Ramen @exherokid
Trash Ramen @exherokid
Its been like 3 years since I've last logged in to this site, but post con depressions got me wanting to look for friends in Northern VA/DC or Southern MD.
All my friends live in Baltimore, MD And I only get to see them every few months at Conventions lol rip.
Intros down below?
>My name is Kai (26) Gf is Lizzy (29)
>LF Friends to do weeb stuff with, cosplay and pokemon go/wizards unite ect ect hmu
DC Sakura Matsuri 2016

Trash Ramen @exherokid
DC Sakura Matsuri 2016
Trash Ramen @exherokid
Surprised no one made a post about this lol
OR maybe yall did and I don't see it.
Feb 14-16
Jan 23-26
Feb 13-15
Jul 26-28