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Aug 25, 18 at 3:09pm
Seuss, What's more pathetic. Being completely Socially inept, Or letting them get under your skin with them doing absolutely nothing to you? I'm not making excuses for anyone, Everyone has their own reasons, and yeah, it's sad that some people beg for a GF.(Because let's be honest, they'll never get one that way.) But you should know that Insults are no one to change anyone's mind. And if you aren't trying to change anyone's mind, Then all you're doing is whining about guys. And unless you date guys. That shouldn't be your problem. A guy with his shit actually together, doesn't let the easily fixed problems of others bother him. They either take advice or they don't.
It's called a public service announcement
Sometimes it just needs to be said. Now if you don't want to take the advice because the tone is not to your liking or the person who saying it you don't like for whatever the reason is that's your own personal issue. You're right I wasn't trying to convince anybody in particular. I was just making a statement. It wasn't until those pathetic people, or incels responded with pillows on their butt that it took a turn for the worse. And I simply am not gonna let free entertainment just slip by
Also, why are we playing the "what's more pathetic" game? You make it seem like if something is more pathetic than something else then your should just be quiet about it.
Aug 25, 18 at 4:10pm
Shhhh... Can't we all just hold hands and wear our rose tinted glasses? Ya know what? I lack a huge amount of common sense, but sometimes this place really gives me hope. Kichi is harsh, but I understand the sentiment. No one wants to hear the truth, it often times hurts. But, once you understand, you'll be the better for it. I'm not saying he knows all, but despite his approach, he more often than not makes perfect sense.
Aug 25, 18 at 6:30pm
Yeah uhh, I mean it's not the best way to go about things but yeah. That type of behavior does need to be put on blast sometimes. So I can understand why Kichigai is doing this too. :u
People need to stop taking offense similar topic I will post this link https://maiotaku.com/topics/35628 Its really as simple as "I would like to learn more about you" if you get a snot response then move on. I agree with OP, people lack courage here often and the only way to get that is to practice it.... its not some magical power... there ain't know "Courage Man" in Academia (unless there is in which case I am wrong) al Its a skill practice it, in my life I have been shot, broke my neck, almost got my leg cut off with a chain saw... I do not have any time to be afraid of another human being (especially one I am interested in) Message somebody, meet them, hang out, make sweet love, take action and maybe you will have someone to grow old with (if that is your bag) Its so simple, anyone I REPEAT ANYONE can get a date/gf/etc and to be so scared of it when its something you want is weak... I mean seriously weak. TAKE ACTION - BE IN CONTROL (if something goes wrong still be in control even if its not your fault) OWN EVERYTHING no matter what the result.... own everything I am done
Aug 25, 18 at 9:30pm
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Aug 25, 18 at 9:30pm
Truth and criticism hurt. https://www.thebeaverton.com/2018/05/inspiring-this-incel-dealt-with-being-single-by-making-himself-toxically-unfuckable/
I appreciate you ENKI, the man lacks self respect and that reflects
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