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Also Cheeto on the Enki pic, tbh I remember seeing that slot specifically when some ppl have use, Bipolar disorder on twitter seeing some drama between other ppl being biapolar and depression or that meme but altered during the momokun things, etc. Whole arguments between ppl with a mental problem saying letting not hinder them and ppl with them saying it does and about how it’s not excuse. Shit storms everywhere
115 @siruboo commented on Pathetic
Aug 23, 18 at 10:36am
i didnt think it was funny. ive seen some funny ones though
Ed~ @yamadaed commented on Pathetic
Aug 23, 18 at 11:03am
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The ones I think that are funny are the ones that are purposely try hard for the sake of irony so it in it self is funny because it isn’t what it actually is saying because it’s to exaggerated
Aug 23, 18 at 11:09am
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people are not united. on the most part they are divided. everyone generally thinks they are right lol it is the imperfect human nature of ours. whole countries are divided. two examples are liberals and republicans. it wouldn't shock me if someone even disagreed with this comment. sure there are small-large groups of people that agree on one or two things but it is near impossible to find someone that agrees with every detail that you believe in life. people in the same group even sometimes have a hard time getting along. you could be the kindest person on earth right now and not everyone will like you even if that was true
I don't understand how in this group everybody wants to be treated the same but none of us are alike outside of the fact that we all are otaku. Some of us cosplay some of us don't. some of us are rich, some... Most are poor. Some have mental disabilities, some physical disabilities, some both. Some like Dragon Ball Z some hate Dragon Ball Z. I'm not going to talk to somebody who I know hates Dragon Ball Z about Goku versus Gohan. I'll save that conversation for my DBZ fans. Use your brain. Read the room. I get that common sense isn't common anymore. That doesn't mean you let shit slide. If you mess up somebody needs to check you. I get it everybody. You guys want me to be nice or at least nicer to people I disagree with. Cool. In return can you not let people use their disability as a crutch or Shield when they are clearly trying to when it involves talking to the fairer sex? I can almost guarantee you that if men check themselves and stop trolling all the fucking time and learn when playing games is detrimental then women will be way more likely to open up to you. To me it's pathetic if you are my age blaming anyone or anything but yourself for your situation. You're grown. own up to your shit
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115 @siruboo commented on Pathetic
Aug 23, 18 at 4:47pm
we are trying to talk in a language that is new and has errors
Hey PK, You better get ya trashcan. I made a promise that I wouldn't bring anything from this thread out and I rather honor my word than argue.
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