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115 @siruboo commented on Pathetic
Aug 21, 18 at 6:13pm
what? you dont even make sense, who cars about your chicks or whatever. im done
Aug 21, 18 at 6:15pm
This meme again https://wx1.sinaimg.cn/mw690/87d788b2ly1fudstro2t1j20k00j6gn5.jpg
Ok... "Done" pt2
Do you know the definition of insanity? https://youtu.be/rKMMCPeiQoc
115 @siruboo commented on Pathetic
Aug 21, 18 at 6:20pm
if your dorky your a pedifile?
Aug 21, 18 at 6:28pm
https://i.imgur.com/Qj6vROm.gif The thing that kills me about that meme enki posted is that I legit met dudes that meet that criteria completely in basically every anime-related community I've been in or lurked around in. It's kinda like that whole death and taxes thing, you just can't avoid it. Hobbies such as this just attract those types, so I'm never really that surprised when I see the type of behavior that kichigai is chastising.
115 @siruboo commented on Pathetic
Aug 21, 18 at 6:51pm
funny how this turnd out
Aug 21, 18 at 6:55pm
This account has been suspended.
115 @siruboo commented on Pathetic
Aug 21, 18 at 6:56pm
Aug 21, 18 at 8:06pm
I interact with that kind of anime dorky guys from time to time because I happen to be Asian/I'm not fat/I don't have a list of ex-lovers/I seem cynical.Some of them are quite toxic people who intentionally or unintentionally use the stategy of gaslighting/manipulation, but they still think they are nicest guys in the world. Some guys are single because they are too shy;they come across wrong women.They are generally good-natured people. Some are just shitty badasses who deserve having their right hands as partners during their lifetime.I don't think a relationship could help them a lot.I wish they could stop destroying lives of other people's.
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