Goals in life (and failed ones too)

PK Thoron @julioelgamer
Goals in life (and failed ones too)
PK Thoron @julioelgamer
Back in the day I had plans of getting a Biology major, but due to economic difficulties and lack of support that was not possible(no biology schools where I live) so I had to look elsewhere... then I got into a Bioengineering major.
At first it was cool and everything but then many shits happened and I lost interest in the carrer so I dropped out.
Anyways here I am... with a futureless and bad(the supervisors are plain assholes) job in a call center, just learning languages and trying to find something that I can enjoy doing and don't die of starvation (because if you don't enjoy life, you may as well don't do anything at all).
I noticed that i'm kinda skilled with languages, so maybe i'm going to take that path, but translator and international business jobs are kinda dead where I live so eventually i'll have to move out, my current goal is working as a translator/IntBusiness guy in a videogame/anime company (i.e. Atlus, NiS, xseed, etc) but I think that's kinda hard to get because... well you know, not being born in the states(well my dad just became a citizen so he's my only hope hahaha) anyways, i'm kinda getting old and I really have to speed things up for that.
Well, what are your stories people?

blazingbow1 @blazingbow1
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Goals in life (and failed ones too)
blazingbow1 @blazingbow1
I am a nursing major, and I have no hope of ever getting classes or into a program, because it so damn competitive.

blackmage @blackmage
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Goals in life (and failed ones too)
blackmage @blackmage
Since I was small my dream have been to be a professional soccer player, then later it became boring since I wasent good with people lol. Then I notice I enjoyed cooking so, I might become a chef but the working enviroment there is very harsh. I also dreamed becomming a pilot in a airplane because I really like traveling around which this job does but I cant due to my hearing problems.. :( I wanted to become a doctor since I was good with science and I love helping people, the problem is that I suck at writing assignment, so the grade from writing assignment took harshly on my grades but I can still become a doctor with another method though its a long road to do that.

bleodsian @bleodsian
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Goals in life (and failed ones too)
bleodsian @bleodsian
My goal has been twisted around so much that it is more like I accept any semblance of my original dream. When I was a kid, I wanted to be a priest and communicate with God. When I grew up I decided I wanted to be a scientist to discover the unknown. Now, I simply wish to achieve understanding of any level, spiral, mental, personal, or universal through inquiry so it is more like my desire for knowledge has been watered down and stretched into this all encompassing... thing... Yeah, bad way to close it but could not think of the word.

FridayImInLove76 @fridayiminlove76
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Goals in life (and failed ones too)
FridayImInLove76 @fridayiminlove76
Didn't the obachan in xxholic say the best way to decipher your future is to let it happen? I have always wanted to get back to Okinawa as a teacher. I'm back in school full time, but a business major. I'm 37 (yes, I really look like that) and I'm $15k short of graduating, but all I know how to do is keep moving forward.

wolfyxuchiha @wolfyxuchiha
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Goals in life (and failed ones too)
wolfyxuchiha @wolfyxuchiha
My dream is becoming a professional chef i have worked in the food industy and i have attened culinary programs but i felt they were what i wasnt looking for i still to this day want to attend a professional cooking school but its costly indeed but i never give up on my passion i cook mostly every day because it makes me happy i rather wake up to a job i love and it wouldnt matter the money yes miney is good but when you have the passion and love for whatever you want to do you give it your all rather then waking up to a job you completely hate its never to late to fulfill your dreams or destiny live in the moment because their a brighter furture ahead for you c:

borsty24 @borsty24
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Goals in life (and failed ones too)
borsty24 @borsty24
Since I was in 6th grade up until my sophomore year in college, all I did and think about was baseball. After high school I received a full ride to a decent college and was enjoying myself quite a bit on and off the field in year one. Didn't know what I was going to major in particularly, but it didn't really matter much to me, nor did my teammates, we lived to play. After year one was finished, got my summer team prepared for off-season, something came back to me, rather, someone. A girl I've dated most of my life started talking to me as if we never stopped in my junior year in high school. We've always been very serious, but I broke up with her then because she wasn't mature enough; she needed some growing up to do.
So, it's summer time, I'm traveling around from state to state, she texts me, we talk a lot, on the phone, yada yada, and she seems like she has completely changed. However, later to come something I wouldn't expect.
One day I'll never forget , I believe in st Louis (or maybe Utah ;p ), I was about to head to dinner with some buddies, she calls and we talk. She says why haven't you texted me for like an hour-realistically it was about 20 minutes, I apologize and say just hangin with the guys, bout to go to dinner. She started gettin freaky about it like "oh, okay. So you're just gonna stop talkin to me then?" saying it all sassy and rude. So I reassure her "no no, nothing like that, ill text you while I'm there" then she gets into og hh you're gonna drink, and find another woman with your buddies, blah blah. So I tell her no no, fine ill stay for you and talk to her (I'm a sweet guy from time to time ;) ) Okay, so the next day, I go to dinner this time, I text her from time to time, but I'm out and not gonna text every second. She starts freaking out and calls a billion times, seriously it was a lot. She gets pissed and ignores me for like two days. Apologizes, and all is 'better'. Two months later school is about to start, and somehow, she finds a way to manipulate me and says it's me or baseball. In the end I chose her, she was always the "one". I grew up with her, she was mybestfriend, exactly like me in ways, been together for 5 years. So I drop out, quit baseball, move in together, things start off rough job wise. Eventually we have to move back in with our parents because the economy sucked. She tells me to be a man and get a job and do what men do, I tried but no jobs, and convinced her I need a degree, she eventually caves in, I convinced my coach ill come back with scholarship and everything, halfway through the year it happens again! She goes psycho and pulls the same damn BS, so I do everything she wants, because I love and care for her. In the end, I will not deal with her, I won't let her control me, broke up with her, and I end up losing free schooling and what I am most passionate about in the world, baseball, I lived for it. I do realize it's all my fault, I Should have been old enough and smart enough to listen to me, it's MY life MY future. Normally I'd say I wouldn't change the past, I'm a very positive man (everything happens for a reason) but I would change this in an instance. There were so many signs, so many red flags.. but I was young and in love.
R.I.P. baseball, I'll miss you :/
That leaves me here, my second passion, anime. After school and practice I'd always be reading some manga or watching a show. I wish I had friends who loved it to, but having sporty friends, that is all they love, if they knew they'd consider me a dork, haha, but I don't care, I love it and always will! But I'm attending school again next year, hopefully gonna finish soon with a chemistry degree. :)

kirigaya_kazuto @kirigaya_kazuto
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Goals in life (and failed ones too)
kirigaya_kazuto @kirigaya_kazuto
Well I was intending on going to uni to study ethical hacking, but that never happened :( In secondary school I ended up starting to drink so I was drunk near enough every day so I was either to hung over to go to school or was in detention/isolation most of the time and ended up getting way lower grades than I should have. Then eventually I ended up getting my act together, quit drinking, and went to college to try get enough qualifications to actually get into uni. All was going good as well but about halfway through my course I ended up getting kicked out of my mothers house and ended up dossing around my mates houses now and then while trying to find somewhere stable to go and due to that I ended up getting kicked out of college as well because of me prioritising finding a place to stay before going to college so my attendance dropped really low. Then after getting kicked out of college I finally found a stable place, supported accommodation, so I was living with another 6 people and some support workers slept in the office overnight a couple days so nothing kicks off :p. Anyway after about half a year in there they helped me get back into college again, helped me out with my time keeping and that and because of me getting kicked out of my mothers I started drinking again and the people at the supported accommodation helped me stop again. And once again, everything was going well, about half way through my course I ended up getting my own flat. But after a few months of living in there everything went downhill again, I started falling behind on my rent because the Job Centre screwed up my income support claim because they thought that I was not in college anymore and once I got that sorted out, I then get a letter through the door saying that I owe nearly £4000 in rent. Turns out that they also screwed up my claim for housing benefit... So yes... I got kicked out again, and got kicked out of college because I was looking for a place to stay. And still I'm back, dossing around my mates house again because it's pretty much impossible to get a house/flat now. For about a year I had no income whats so ever because I didn't have an address to put down to claim anything. Just started getting some money now thanks to the doctors giving me a sick note and countless numbers of depression tablets. And yes... Back on the god damn drink again... God, that was a shit load longer than I was expecting it to be lol and kind of strayed off topic a lot :p Ahh well, got it out anyway xD

kirigaya_kazuto @kirigaya_kazuto
commented on
Goals in life (and failed ones too)
kirigaya_kazuto @kirigaya_kazuto
just took the time to read your post as well borsty, i know your feels... When i was in supported accommodation i fell in love with a lass call Amy Wilson, love of my life :( We where never apart near enough. When i was living with her the only time we where apart was when we went to bed. But at the time she was with someone (he used to beat her up and that before she left him so i ended up kicking his head in XD) but stupidly I never took the chance to attempt to get with her once she broke up with him and she ended up with someone else... Now she's pregnant and expecting the baby within a few days... Still love her to bits even though I know it's never gonna happen...

dragonrage @dragonrage
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Goals in life (and failed ones too)
dragonrage @dragonrage
I wanted to be a zoologist but because of life changing events I have to come back from that college and go to a college close to home. It was there that I found my love for teaching and through that I found I loved teaching students with disabilities. One that needed some extra help and needed just a little reassurance they that could do anything. Now my goal is to get my degree in core education and try to get into the Japanese English Teacher program.
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