Are Otaku girls cute or innocent?

Lockoneyes @lockoneyes
Are Otaku girls cute or innocent?
Lockoneyes @lockoneyes
I know this depends on the girl but I don’t know any girls like that. I decided to join this site to find pointless anime talk but now I’m think about companionship and if I can ever fine someone who is my “type” and otaku but all otaku guys I know have the cute shy innocent girl think (they are looking for) and all the girls I know are not shy nor innocent in any way so who do you date the next best thing or keep looking and stay very picky.

ulquiorra_schiffer @ulquiorra_schiffer
commented on
Are Otaku girls cute or innocent?
ulquiorra_schiffer @ulquiorra_schiffer
i know i might only be 13 but alot of guys do go for the shy and inoccent ones but really it might be the best to stay a little picky and try to find the close to perfect guy your looking for but remember im only 13 other people who might post here might have a better answer hope i helped :).

iamuljjang @iamuljjang
commented on
Are Otaku girls cute or innocent?
iamuljjang @iamuljjang
I say you keep looking and stay very picky. Cute, innocent girls are gems; they are very rare and hard to find but that shouldn't distraught you! Keep searching and I'm sure the right girl will come :]

kurokame @kurokame
commented on
Are Otaku girls cute or innocent?
kurokame @kurokame
Ok holy general gender confussion batman, and not the way you think, just not understanding. Are you All girls and boys lookin for cute girls? Or Just girls lamenting that guys want the cute and innocent type of girl that doesnt exist in reality?

Karimoon @karimoon
commented on
Are Otaku girls cute or innocent?
Karimoon @karimoon
Umm perhaps not all are cute and innocent....hell I'm very cute but I sure ain't innocent! roflmao XD There's nothing wrong with being picky as long as it doesn't go into the ridiculous range ie: not wanting a girl to sweat.

Phanari @phanari
commented on
Are Otaku girls cute or innocent?
Phanari @phanari
::sheepish and shy grin:: I'm cute, and I guess I'm innocent.....

dark_cosplays_07 @dark_cosplays_07
commented on
Are Otaku girls cute or innocent?
dark_cosplays_07 @dark_cosplays_07
they are normally cute but not innocent, I've learned at least this much over the years of dealing with them. lol

FayelinnBlair @fayelinnblair
commented on
Are Otaku girls cute or innocent?
FayelinnBlair @fayelinnblair
I'd say no, not all otaku girls are cute and innocent...a lot I know like to cause drama and all sorts of stuff.

OtakuTeen13 @otakuteen13
commented on
Are Otaku girls cute or innocent?
OtakuTeen13 @otakuteen13
I'm not cute and innocent, I'm far from innocent....very far. And IDK what you classify as 'cute.' Probably not me tho.

Amber @damber
commented on
Are Otaku girls cute or innocent?
Amber @damber
For some reason, most otaku girls I know try to act tough and independent regardless of their true personality. I think it comes from the stereotype present in so many anime/manga, where the girl has to punch any guy who pervs on her and the guys all act scared of offending girls. I think I'm cute and "innocent" in some ways - I may watch bloody anime series and revel in the gore, point and laugh at tentacle rape hentai, etc, but when it comes down to real relationships I get sincerely shy and nervous. I bet there are lots of girls like myself who put up a front because we don't want to SEEM "innocent" around a bunch of guys.
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