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nyxstardust @nyxstardust
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nyxstardust @nyxstardust
This account has been suspended.

alext89529 @alext89529
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alext89529 @alext89529
bleach is great

LiaLawliet @lialawliet
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LiaLawliet @lialawliet
What's up?
you know your otaku when

ulquiorra_schiffer @ulquiorra_schiffer
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you know your otaku when
ulquiorra_schiffer @ulquiorra_schiffer
when you goto walmart dressed up as kisuke urahara
what do you want to go see in Japan?

ulquiorra_schiffer @ulquiorra_schiffer
commented on
what do you want to go see in Japan?
ulquiorra_schiffer @ulquiorra_schiffer
I'de also like to see a ninja warrior competition and the ainu of hokkaido and ryukyu i'll have to do some research but sounds pretty cool.