you know your otaku when

dark_cosplays_07 @dark_cosplays_07
you know your otaku when
dark_cosplays_07 @dark_cosplays_07
the title says it all pretty much these jokes are along the same line as you know your a red neck when jokes i thought this may just be intresting so i posted it! :D XD to start ill say -
you know your otaku when - you go and clean out your car and the HOLE floor is coverd in pocky wrappers!

serenityatmidnight @serenityatmidnight
commented on
you know your otaku when
serenityatmidnight @serenityatmidnight
when your ipod has more anime songs than mainstream music.

Aizen757 @bankai757
commented on
you know your otaku when
Aizen757 @bankai757
when you get so mad at someone, the first thing you yell is "BANKAI"! I should know...

dark_cosplays_07 @dark_cosplays_07
commented on
you know your otaku when
dark_cosplays_07 @dark_cosplays_07
when ever you think somthing is dumb or stupid you say 4kids like - that is so 4kids!!!

hiphop8004 @hiphop8004
commented on
you know your otaku when
hiphop8004 @hiphop8004
you make a amv for ANY anime fan couple
you know what the word "yaoi" means
you get into a fight because somebody told you that(insert character's name) dies.

59CustomCad @customcad
commented on
you know your otaku when
59CustomCad @customcad
you arrange your vactions around anime cons. your friends ask if they can borrow your cosplay outfits (since you won't be able to wear all of them). you think ramen, Mountain Dew and Pocky are a well balanced meal.

dark_cosplays_07 @dark_cosplays_07
commented on
you know your otaku when
dark_cosplays_07 @dark_cosplays_07
^^^^ best one yet XD and you know you otaku when you get pocky and yell at the top of your lungs - my life is complete!!!

59CustomCad @customcad
commented on
you know your otaku when
59CustomCad @customcad
your everyday watch is Ed Elric's State Alchemist pocketwatch. your necklace is InuYasha's "Sit" bead necklace...and your friends don't even find it strange that you are actually wearing yellow contacts in your eyes.

Yggdrasil @yggdrasil
commented on
you know your otaku when
Yggdrasil @yggdrasil
when you insert random anime quotes into your everyday speech... "Who the hell do you think we are!"

59CustomCad @customcad
commented on
you know your otaku when
59CustomCad @customcad
5 of the 6 discs in your cd player in your car are custom made anime theme mp3cds...and the 6th is a Japanese language cd.
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