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Lonewolfsinger @lonewolfsinger
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Lonewolfsinger @lonewolfsinger
Spirited Away is an excellent movie as are all of Miyazaki san's collection. And you just have to watch Rosario to Vampire, The manga is also and excellent read. You seem to have some excellent choices there. hope your doing well.

felinoel @felinoel
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felinoel @felinoel
You've seen Paprika? I almost forgot about that movie

Krarktel @krarktel
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Krarktel @krarktel
こんにちは like your pictures in your gallery
日本語できる人いる?(Does anyone can speak or write Japanese?)

Karimoon @karimoon
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日本語できる人いる?(Does anyone can speak or write Japanese?)
Karimoon @karimoon
はじめまして なまえはジャクソンダリルです。どうぞよろしく。
日本語できる人いる?(Does anyone can speak or write Japanese?)

Karimoon @karimoon
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日本語できる人いる?(Does anyone can speak or write Japanese?)
Karimoon @karimoon
And wanting to learn something based on your exposure to something else is not silly. I'm really getting sick of hollier-than-thou-know-it-alls dissing others because their motivation is the anime/manga they like. So fing what!? At least they're motivated to learn something new & expose themselves there is no law/rule stating you must want to learn something not based on something else you like. I for one want to know what the hell my favorite animes/mangas are saying so why wouldn't I take up japanese? It's far better to take it for that reason than because the school system requires you to take 1-2 years of a foreign language to graduate, that's just being a damn brainwashed doll your heart isn't in it anyways. Screw German, French & Spanish I became interested in Japanese, Japanese culture & life after exposure to anime & there's nothing wrong with that, so f*&% all the haters!