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soooooo much for ENDLESS KNIGHT!!You dont really live up to your name do you?xDUsing me as a SHIELD YEAH!XD i see how you are hahahaha!
Guess I'll be working trouble from the snow storm. Trouble just started to begin.
Extremely excited now that I found out my schedule change allows me to go to zenkaikon convention. Best part is it will be an inexpensive trip. And I'll be going with a group.
xueli @xueli left a comment for EndlessKnight
Mar 05, 13 at 12:29am
Haha I don't know much about zodiac. 3 different phases? That sounds complicated
xueli @xueli left a comment for EndlessKnight
Mar 05, 13 at 12:20am
Mmm. Yeah, I'm pretty blunt. I do kinda try to take a non-offensive tone though. But yeah, stubbornness is like a blessing and a curse. What are you?
xueli @xueli left a comment for EndlessKnight
Mar 05, 13 at 12:10am
I'm a taurus. Hahaha, personality traits of a taurus. That could be either pretty good or pretty bad :p
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Lamby @momoichi left a comment for EndlessKnight
Mar 02, 13 at 12:34pm
lol I was just joking :P I think that's a great idea what ur doin, helpin eachother out and givin advice in a private controlled envirment, not on some forum chat site
For anyone interested in the MaiOtaku group meet this Friday at 4:00 pm Eastern Timie Be sure to contact me ASAP is this Friday 2/28/2013 It is happening and I have enough people for a platoon XD
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