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JMCG @jmcg
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JMCG @jmcg
i was being stupid

Red Masque @masque_of_red
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Red Masque @masque_of_red
I thank you for your kind words.

TheGreaterForce @tsuneharu
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TheGreaterForce @tsuneharu
Hey. Thanks for the add, man.
Why I think you should vote for Trump

mrzsfo415 @mrzsfo415
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Why I think you should vote for Trump
mrzsfo415 @mrzsfo415
If all hell breaks loose in a SHTF kinda thing thanks to Donald T.
then I guess I wold be learning how to survive real fast like its
the end of days...
Getting better at shooting my air rifle which can be used to hunt...
Weapon bans that are unreasonable

mrzsfo415 @mrzsfo415
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Weapon bans that are unreasonable
mrzsfo415 @mrzsfo415
I am gonna put in my 2cents here ...
I won't consider myself a GUN-NUT ...
I do however own a handgun for home defense
I also have a Ruger 10/22 for FUN/target shooting/plinking ...
I guess I am not the typical NRA member . . .