Weapon bans that are unreasonable

Sunbae @alanzd
Weapon bans that are unreasonable
Sunbae @alanzd
A semi auto rifle was used by a terrorist to kill 49 people in Orlando. Better ban rifles.
A truck was used by a terrorist to kill 73 people in France. Better ban trucks?
I think that many weapon bans seem very illogical. There are very few that I agree with, such as the ban of automatic weapons. I agree that normal civilians should not own automatic weapons.
But on the contrary, there are somethings that we are allowed to own that we shouldn't, such as RPGs.

Koyomi Araragi @loli_vampire
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Weapon bans that are unreasonable
Koyomi Araragi @loli_vampire
The whole American "You can have my gun when you pry it out of my cold dead hands!" ideology is just idiotic. Other than a .22 rifle I had as a kid for target shooting, I don't own a gun. I'm doing just fine. If someone mugs me do you think they are going to give me time to pull out a gun if I even went through the trouble of getting a concealed carry permit and carried a gun whenever I left the house? And these people who think the government is going to take away their guns to enslave them or something? What is your gun going to do against a tank? An Apache helicopter? Hellfire missiles? etc?
Let's give everyone nuclear weapons because nuclear weapons don't kill people, people kill people.

Lord's Chosen Otaku @differentdrum
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Weapon bans that are unreasonable
Lord's Chosen Otaku @differentdrum
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Koyomi Araragi @loli_vampire
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Weapon bans that are unreasonable
Koyomi Araragi @loli_vampire
The Second Amendment of the United States Constitution reads: "A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed."
As in the citizens that are part of the well regulated militia shall "keep and bear Arms". Militia from which we get military. In those days which was a large portion of adult males, needed arms at hand if they were called to defend.
If you wanted to keep that as literal as possible in todays times it would mean anybody that is in the active military and trained to use a gun should have one. Not just any asshole who wants a gun.

MewMew(─‿‿─) @wertingman
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Weapon bans that are unreasonable
MewMew(─‿‿─) @wertingman
"Guns don't kill people. People kill people."
So you want to take away my right to defend myself when the government is becoming more and more tyrannical? The dudes who get them illegally anways are still going to get them?
The police in the us carry an M4 in the back of their trunk because of what happened in with the North Hollywood Shootout(1997). It toke a while and lots of bullets to take down 2 robbers wearing military grade ballistic vest.
Sure a rifle won't don't anything to a tank but it the idea that counts. The people need to let their governments know what they can do as a government. Governments shouldn't be trampling all over something like the constitution.
As far as all the other bs that is going on... how about we take a breather and focus on the big picture. There are to many conciedental things going on the keeps dividing/adding fuel to the flame. Governments have been know to pull strings to accomplish an agenda.
Cough cough, operation Northwood and many more hidden Agendas(although was never approved... it's the thought that counts)

MagicPita @majinveta
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Weapon bans that are unreasonable
MagicPita @majinveta
@Love Wert. The idea of having high powered weapons to defend yourself from the government makes no sense. Do you think the US government will wage a ground war if there was an uprising? No. They'd drop the nukes. And it sounds like you're going down a bit of a conspiracy theory route there.

MagicPita @majinveta
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Weapon bans that are unreasonable
MagicPita @majinveta
@Sunbae, the difference between a firearm and a truck is a firearm's primary purpose is to do damage. And in most places you actually need to go through quite a bit of training to drive a big truck. Maybe there should be more training involved before someone is allowed to purchase certain guns? I had to sit in a classroom for about a week before I got my firearms licence.

MewMew(─‿‿─) @wertingman
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Weapon bans that are unreasonable
MewMew(─‿‿─) @wertingman
@MagicPita wait wut? Drop nukes? That's just ridiculous. When governments try replace a government they can choose the forceful route or the divide/conquer route. So dropping nukes would defeat the goal because they need people to govern. No its not conspiracy, people need to take a breather and take time to analyze things. Unfortunately people are too busy hating each other to take time to rationalize thoughts.

Sunbae @alanzd
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Weapon bans that are unreasonable
Sunbae @alanzd
Perfect! We got the two extreme spectrums! I will start with my thoughts momentarily :)

Sunbae @alanzd
commented on
Weapon bans that are unreasonable
Sunbae @alanzd
(For the anti gunners)
That is why I am for reasonable regulations. Against apache helicopters and forms of destructive aerial explosives, such as from the B52, we haven't much. But, it isn't reasonable to think that as civilians, we would ever have to face that. Maybe the Apache Helicopter if like the Yakuza or something gets their hands on one. Hell, they probably already have one.
Giving everyone nukes doesn't sound very appealing to me haha! I do believe in regulations. Like I said, I agree on the ban of automatic weapons. There's no chance I would support giving them weapons of mass destruction.
I'm going to stray off topic until I get back on topic, but. as for the mugger thing, well, muggers aren't out to take your life, they are out for your property. I actually wouldn't recommend engaging in that situation. Give him your stuff and walk out.
OOOOO I'm gonna nitpick. I'll have to stray off topic again, but bare with me! Purpose and design. I love this comparison! The purpose of an item is given to it by its user, right? Things can be repurposed very easily! Say I'm fixing my car and for some reason, I'm using a hammer. At that point, the purpose I've given the tool is to fix my car. Well, say I get pounced by a mountain lion and I now have to use my hammer to defend myself. Now, that hammer's purpose is to be a tool of combat! So as with all tools and items, firearms can be repurposed and so can trucks! (I have one more thing to nitpick)
Now, onto design. Guns are not designed to kill. Ooooooo whatttt. Their given purpose might be to kill, but their design is not. They're designed to fire a bullet! Or shell. Or I guess darts? Well anyway, design is physical design, not purpose! Like a hammer is designed to generate a lot of force in exchange for the lack of mobility since it's top heavy!
But I do think your argument makes the most sense! I believe there should be massive amounts of training before firearms can be obtained. They're weapons and they deserve respect and knowledge.
(Pro gunners)
Yes, people do in fact get them illegally. It's been proven time and time again, but, that's not to say that they never get them legally as well. Albeit some of them do illegally modify them to make them automatic, do you not think that firearms are too easily obtainable? Especially high powered rifles that fire the 5.56? I'm sure no one has a problem with 9mm, .45, .22, .357. But the large round that comes out of the high powered rifles?
I do believe there is a difference between civilian ownership of the M4 variants/carbines and the ownership of the M4 carbines by police forces. I mean, the last thing anyone wants is having the bad guys out gun your police officers. This actually occurred in Hong Kong and it's the reason why the underground syndicates have such a large influence over there. The triads illegally purchased firearms from Polish/European arms dealers and SHTF pretty quickly. Our officers were massively out gunned and yeahhhhhhhh. There was also a shooting inside a theater in Germany, and as you know, Germany has extremely harsh gun laws.
But, honestly, if there was a government that decided to fuck us, we would be fucked. Regardless of how much firepower we had.
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