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Neko-chi™ @yunoxyukki
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Neko-chi™ @yunoxyukki
Imposter jk jk thanks for the request lol
League Of Legends

pervertedpanda @pervertedpanda
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League Of Legends
pervertedpanda @pervertedpanda
As dildo said. Vayne all day every day.
But srs right now farm heavy mages are really good(Viktor sleeper OP). I think for soloqueue you should run what counters the current meta. Not competative you wont be punished.
But I think just being hella good at 1 or 2 champs and spamming it forever is cool as hell.
What fighting game do you play?

pervertedpanda @pervertedpanda
commented on
What fighting game do you play?
pervertedpanda @pervertedpanda
I'm really into Smash Bros(PM) but I've been interested in getting into a more standard conventional fighting game like Mortal Kombat.