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elhaym @elhaym
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elhaym @elhaym
Good to hear~ I cannot complain - Everything goes fine irl :)

elhaym @elhaym
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elhaym @elhaym
ALola! I've seen your friend request - how are you doing? |ω・`)ノ Hi..

kastiel @kastiel
kastiel @kastiel
Hi, I'm kinda new. Anyone have any cool anime or manga recommendations?
Are you looking for a Relationship or friends on this site?

kastiel @kastiel
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Are you looking for a Relationship or friends on this site?
kastiel @kastiel
Both, but finding love would be really awesome
Sex or cuddles?

kastiel @kastiel
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Sex or cuddles?
kastiel @kastiel
Both are important, however i wouldn't cuddle if we haven't had sex. If i can cuddle with someone it's because I can trust them enough to open up to them. If we've had sex then it's because we opened up to each other already. Although right now i really really want to cuddle