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kaizu™ @finecanine
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kaizu™ @finecanine
yeah but not when you're 2 guys that make it up...also aren't 2 heads better than one? can't say that running into walls head first like they do wouldn't be painful though xD

kaizu™ @finecanine
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kaizu™ @finecanine
lol kiba two headed wolf...yesss xD welcome to MO! x3 hope you make lots of new friends!
Anime english subbed or dubbed?

takashen @takashen
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Anime english subbed or dubbed?
takashen @takashen
Dubbed I can't play subbed games so my anime needs to be dubbed to
Last one to post here wins

takashen @takashen
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Last one to post here wins
takashen @takashen
Not giving up..loosing battle