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zanevogel @zanevogel
zanevogel @zanevogel
Hey guys, just a little tip. If someone recommends to you an anime and it doesnt peak your interest, watch the first 5 episodes. For manga read the first 3 chapters. I dont know how many times I get recommended of a manga or anime it doesnt seem interesting, than I decided not to judge a book by its cover and follow this theory.

zanevogel @zanevogel
zanevogel @zanevogel

How can I not love sebastian. His American VA Michael has a very sexy voice and he isnt even British. CDawgVA does a good impression of sebastian. Who could not love this butler after all, he's not just a butler, he's one hell of a butler.
I know sebastian doesn't follow my usual guys I'm attracted to I.e. glasses, long silver hair, brothers.... But I can help his accent and voice what girl wouldn't fall in love.

Neverland @dakoya
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Neverland @dakoya
Oh lol, I don't mind it. I just assumed you got busy w/ life lol. Buuut, it is nice to hear from you again :). After reading your post, I realize my views were a bit skewed at the time, mainly b/c I was thinking of all the poor dogs who never get a home or get put down b/c they're too old. But again, idk... I just feel like there's just too much neglect. Now that I think of this, I wonder why dogs can't just be free in the wild, but then questions about the environment come to mind and stray dogs and how other countries have too many strays b/c they don't neuter their animals. I also admire such ppl who can take in dogs or animals who have some serious health issues or not long to live. Now I'm kind of rethinking my whole adopting vs buying a dog thing, but I still would probably prefer to adopt, but I think the age and health would have to be considered depending on my living situation. I also kind of feel bad for the dogs who get adopted or bought b/c their owners think they look pretty, but their breed makes them act differently than how their owners want. Like how border collies usually need a job or something to do to have a fulfilling day, but a lot of them just get locked up all day.
Who was your anime rolemodel as a child/teen/adult?

zanevogel @zanevogel
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Who was your anime rolemodel as a child/teen/adult?
zanevogel @zanevogel
From anime it was first kino, makoto from sailor moon back when I was a wee thing.
If a fight went down. Who's an anime character you'll want as backup?

zanevogel @zanevogel
commented on
If a fight went down. Who's an anime character you'll want as backup?
zanevogel @zanevogel
Sebastian Michaelis he is after all one hell of a butler.