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35 year old Female
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Oct 05, 23 at 9:34pm
In the questions before I specify you can order what drink you'd want, but that tea is what is expected. ;p I do hate Brits and will be glad to package the storm and send it to them as a 'thanks' from the Ires for Bloody Sunday. Seduce a tornado? Sure, it's your life to live.
Oct 05, 23 at 4:09am
1. Ahem. Do we coffee fans not have a say in basic speech anymore? I see how it is. jk. About the lil girl. I'm adopting her. She's young and impressionable. Perfect chance to raise a true soldier for both JoJo fans and Coffee fans. Of course I'd raise her like a daughter. Now, I would say "Have your tea back, jackhole!" but you dislike the Brits about as much as I do so... 2. As long as it isn't pink and stuff and doesn't have explosive tendencies.... We should be fine. Perhaps I'll comfort the poor soul. 3. NIGERUNDAYO 4. Tornado? Shite. I'm getting a few people I like to safety first. Me? I'm chasing that storm. Gonna be RICH Hell yeah! 5. Hear me out. You say "roar" so I assume this is some fantastical creature. Again. Hear me out. I'm gonna seduce it. Yeah. That's right, you heard me! I'm gonna seduce it! I'm gonna fuck it! Look, I'm likely gonna die here either way. I'm going out knowing for a fact that I was the only human man, if not, one of very few men to have stuck his dick in some alien freak arse. Literally and no eh?
Oct 05, 23 at 9:31pm
*le gasp* why didn't you say something about the tea earlier? No way I'm paying for cold tea unless that's how I ordered it.
1. First of all. I didn't enjoy tea time. Tea was bland and cold. Now, talk to an unknown scared lil girl? Just think about the optics on that. Hell nah! I'm too smart for that. I'll leave her as is. Besides, she should've brought her own umbrella. Sucka! *opens muh umbrella and walks away* 2. Grabs pussy....cat by the fur 3. Invoke the god Amon Ra to destroy my enemies 4. Listen bitch! No time to be panicking. I'm not fittin to stay. I'm moving the fuck up outta here! You either move or die! It's as simple as that 5. Take some Tylenol. Rub some vaporub on me
Oct 05, 23 at 9:30pm
If you've heard a 'siren' from some natural disaster movie, that's a claxon. In real life they are scary as hell. But then I lived in times of war, so my memory of them is different than most people.
Oct 05, 23 at 12:08am
1. Depending on if no one else is comforting her I'd ask her if she's okay and if she wants me to stay with her, I will 2. Probably jump at the cat suddenly pouncing on my leg but then I'm sure I'd pet it while telling it to calm down XD 3. I've never heard one before so idk 4. I try to keep myself and them calm. I'd probably hug them if they got too freaked out and try to help control their breathing 5. Wonder why the heck I'm dizzy lol. Take deep breaths in and calmly breathe out while whispering a prayer I'm sure
Rose Mommy ® @wei_ying Ah, I see. That must sound horrifying, I would hope I can stay as calm as possible since fear does nothing good for the mind in those situations
yuuzora @yuuzora I was calm even as a child. I never saw how panicking solved anything. Especially since everyone else would panic, someone has to be calm otherwise everyone dies. So I just decided it was going ot be me. They used to think there was something wrong with me as a child. Though I don't think they stopped thinking that. XD
Rose Mommy ® @wei_ying Nothing wrong with a more mature acting child XD. I think some people misunderstand when children are that way, just because they can be more mature doesn't mean they actually are an adult, the kid just isn't as naive or childish as other children tend to be lol. I think you are perfectly fine ^^
Oct 05, 23 at 9:29pm
Das a big pocket kitty. But I imagine the floofiest floof that ever floofed. So fluffy and warm. Pocket is probably a good place to make kitty more calm.
1. You've enjoyed your time at the tea house and are getting ready to leave when it really looks like awful weather outside. The little girl looks afraid to leave. Do you do anything? - Nope just assume she's scared of thunder and leave. 2. Suddenly the cat hisses and darts inside doin' the heck and frighten. Kitty thinks you're relatively safe and attempts to climb up your leg with scared meows, what do you do? - I put it in my pocket and adopt as my pocket kitty. 3. A claxon sounds! Now what do you do?! - Nothing really as I never do anything about them. 4. If you're lucky, the owner of the establishment ushers all staff and guests quickly into the cellar. Sounds like there's a tornado! Your friend is panicking. Do you do anything? - I'm not a lucky person so I'll just be outside facing this tornado and screaming a battle cry at the gods just like in my younger years. Not sure why I used to do that but oh well. 5. The roar of the monster above your heads is deafening. You start to feel oddly dizzy. What do you do now? - well if the monster is just the tornado I'd just ignore the dizzying and assume I drank sleepy time tea or that I had been poisoned even though I strictly put it down as my one allergy. If it is an actual monster I'll accept my dark fate and accept whatever outcome that shall arise.
Rose Mommy ® @wei_ying left a comment for yuuzora
Oct 05, 23 at 12:16am
I've been meaning to ask, you don't mind me calling you Yuu-chan do you? I don't want to call you something you may be uncomfortable or irritated with :3
Sep 29, 23 at 9:55pm
Hm. I was thinking about this last night. If gender is all made up and a construct... then transgender doesn't even exist because gender doesn't exist. But if it's transexual that makes more sense and actually is more validating to trans and some of that 'gender spectrum theory' because there's measurable values to help a person with this problem understand themselves better.... but is there a difference between transgender and transexual? English isn't my first language so I don't really know the distinction.
Sep 29, 23 at 5:58pm
Sep 29, 23 at 3:55pm
You can order something other than tea and sweet iced tea is also available. You can also try as many different teas as you want and can create your own blend if they have what you want on hand. I'm basing it off the tea house I went to year before last. I was able to make a ginger peach black tea and called it Capitan Shortcake. lolol
1. Try and pet the cat before knocking on the door to see if anyone is home 2. I imagine said friend is my sister so...she'd be wearing pants and a sweatshirt I'm sure XD. But she'd play along with me wanting to dress her up so a female suit (she hates dresses and skirts) 3. Oh? Hard choice...I love the sun but I love library's too. I'll say sunroom first and then maybe switch to the library 4. I'd ask what kind of teas they have, I don't really drink hot tea like that....only sweet. So, maybe I'd try a few teas and see if I like any of them 5. My friends don't drink tea either? XD So, I have no idea
Rose Mommy ® @wei_ying That's a fun name for a tea, I like that! XD And I've never been to a tea house, it sounds like it'd be nice and relaxing even if I don't drink tea much. My sisters and I actually plan on having our own tea room and collecting different tea sets (European and Asian, etc. Teacups and pots), we are making it Alice In Wonderland theme
yuuzora @yuuzora Same. I've always wanted a "Victorian Themed Kissaten" where it's like all the Ming dynasty tableware, Japanese furnishings, with an Irish flare. I already have an extensive tea collection, so I'm happy to give some away if you don't mind sour teas. Hibiscus and Lychee ended up being too sour for me. Then there's a green peach tea that I should've liked but it was too grassy and got much too bitter as it got cold. Right now my favorites are a Taiwanese milk tea with lavender and ginger. It's sweet, creamy, and spicy. And a Rooibos cinnamon tea that is also a bit spicy and tastes good cold or hot. Do you have any brands you want to try? Do you know what flavor profiles you tend to like? Sorry... I got excited. XD
Rose Mommy ® @wei_ying Don't apologize at all! I love talking so I don't mind XD. I know I tend to like sweet drinks and flavors, but I have come to enjoy a bit of tang with certain things as well. I wouldn't be too knowledgeable on what tea flavors I actually like since I don't drink tea much, and all the tea my mom has is packed away atm. I have also been enjoying more...not bland but mature tastes? I guess is how I'd put it, I enjoy macha which I'm surprised because it's not too sweet or anything. So I wonder if I'd like a down to earth, simplistic taste in tea? Idk?
yuuzora @yuuzora Matcha has a very earthy flavor and pairs well with mild fruits like papaya and strawberries. So you'd probably like strawberry matcha. Do you tend to put milk or cream in your tea?
Rose Mommy ® @wei_ying I don't know since I don't get to drink tea much. I would imagine I would...I definitely want to try milk or cream in tea for sure. And I love strawberry flavored things as well
yuuzora @yuuzora Hm. So I'll have to suggest matcha with strawberries and cream. It's very refreshing on a summer's day, especially if you freeze it. You might also like toasted rice and matcha with a sweetener. It's got a nutty flavor and tastes rather sweet even without sugar or anything. It's good both cold and hot. Though they tell us to drink our tea slightly cooler than usual because having it too hot can kickstart esophageal cancer. x.x
Rose Mommy ® @wei_ying Matcha with strawberries sounds delicious! I have a habit of just eating or drinking stuff no matter how hot it is XD. I tend to burn my tongue or the roof of my mouth a lot that way lol
yuuzora @yuuzora Same. Especially when it's cold af and you're living in a tent or with poor insulation. The heat is all you're gonna get. lol
Rose Mommy ® @wei_ying Do you live in a tent? That is oddly specific XD
yuuzora @yuuzora I have before. Not that long ago either. You get so cold you forget what it's like to feel warm and so overheated that straight up ice feels like its hitting a frying pan. lol
Rose Mommy ® @wei_ying Sorry to hear you lived in a tent. But I'm glad you're still alive and as long as you survived the coldness I'm glad ^^
yuuzora @yuuzora Yeah. While my I'm not in danger of the elements it is at the cost of mental health. lololol But that's life, I guess. Maybe someday I'll get my ass deported back to Ireland and live in the woods with my Fae family. Whoever is still there, anyway. XD
Rose Mommy ® @wei_ying I hope it's not too much to ask, did you choose to live in a tent or anything? Hope your mental health stays healthy enough Yuu-chan
yuuzora @yuuzora It was a tent or nothing since my roommates kicked me out during the pandemic. My other option is what I am stuck with now which is abuse. So honestly, building a hut of straw and mud sounds like a better idea. But I got a nerve disease so I can't work like I used to, otherwise I would've never been out of a job. My mental health. hahahahahahahaha. Anyway... how are you feeling lately? How's your family?
Rose Mommy ® @wei_ying That's cruel of your roommate :(. If they wanted you to get out so badly they could've tried to help find you a safe and nice place to stay first before doing so at the very least. Sorry to hear about the abuse, hope your situation gets better, hope you are able to hold on! I'm feeling very well, thank you for asking Yuu-chan. And my family is also doing very well, we've been feeling very happy lately so that's great and we have birthdays coming up so we are all excited ^^
yuuzora @yuuzora Nice. Whose birthday is it? Are planning a surprise for them or do they hate surprises?
Rose Mommy ® @wei_ying It's our mom's birthday this October 10th and she loves surprises...from her own immediate family that is XD. My siblings and I usually help our eldest sister make decorations for her, this year we are hoping to make her homemade almond joys since she loves them so much
yuuzora @yuuzora Omg that sounds good! Let me know how they turn out! for Christmas/Yule this year since times is hard, me bestie and little brother are planning on making everyone little 'bento gift boxes' with homemade treats and hygiene stuff(like sugar scrubs, homemade soaps, etc.). How old is your mam gonna be?
Rose Mommy ® @wei_ying I will definitely let you know how they turn out! If she likes them and if you want I could end up sharing the recipe as well (that is if you also like them, but I'd hate to assume). Aww, it's the thought that counts, extravagant things don't need to be done anyhow! I actually think that mini bentos is a wonder idea, I've always wanted to try one and make one myself
Rose Mommy ® @wei_ying Oh! Sorry I had to come back to this! Our mom will be 48 years old. Our family is actually starting what we call the birthday season XD
yuuzora @yuuzora Awwww. She's so young! I will definitely share the recipes since we agreed to make pumpkin geppei(moon cakes), mini apple pie/tarts, and turkey curry pockets(imagine a tikka masala folded into a naan and pressed like a hot pocket) It's really good but I have only made them once. So it'll be a gamble. We're still working out the other treats, but my bestie's mam loves coconut, so almond joy would probably be a good bet for her.
Rose Mommy ® @wei_ying I know! I often forget her age actually because to me she looks the same in all my memories of her XD, but I'm sure if we told her she's young she'd roll her eyes at us while smiling though. This pumpkin cakes sound especially delicious! I love pumpkin flavored things and my dad and eldest sister love apple pie, so they'd love the apple pie and such. Aww, I hope the almond joys we make taste good and hopefully your besties mam loves them as well
Sep 28, 23 at 8:16pm
Mexican food really is life. There's nothing to make you feel more at home than homemade horchata. Though the mexican food I'm used to is either based from Yucatan(my sister in law family from there) or more El Salvador influence.
11. What is your MBTI?(myers-briggs personality assessment) ENTP 12. Do you have any religious beliefs? Yes 13. If you were an anime character, who do you think you'd be?(in an existing anime) i really want to say something normal but prob dazai from stray dogs 14. Are you a brave person in the face of things others would run away from? yes thats how i life 24-7 15. What is your favorite food? carne asada, flautas, 90% of mexican food 16. What is your ideal first date like? hours of talking nonsense 17. Do you have the brain worms? wtf 18. What sort of exercise do you like to do? running and fencing 19. Are you a workaholic or a sofa surfer? both 20. What is love? the thing you feel in your stomach
Mr. Rogers @rafaelsanzio you are an honorary mexican, conow ngratulations. You can now cross the border ilegally, work as a gardener and have a mustacho and sombrero.
yuuzora @yuuzora XD I worked with nothing but Mexicans picking cherries and apples since I was 12. Though I prefer higasa, it's basically the same thing as a sombrero. All I need is a mustacho....... :(
Sep 28, 23 at 8:15pm
Wut wut History buff for the win. How often do you think of the Roman Empire? Also Mariachi is really good. It's an amazing ensemble that takes a ton of coordination to do well.
1. What is your favorite color? black/wine 2. What music is on your playlist right now? mariachi in a non ironic way 3. What anime/manga have you been reading/watching lately? LAIN IS LOE LAIN IS LIFE 4. What languages do you speak? Spanish english 5. What job do you have? Data Analyst 6. How many siblings do you have? 0 7. Do you get along with your parents? yes 8. What is your favorite drink? difficult, probably lemon juice (natural) 9. Do you drive like an asshole? no 10. What classes did you like in school? history, economy god i love social studies
Mr. Rogers @rafaelsanzio Roman empire? pfff thats normie tier taste, everyone know the best empire was the ottoman
yuuzora @yuuzora No lie. The Turks made a grand effort. I honestly would've liked to see them rule the world over the western barbarians. I'm currently learning about India's history but so far my favorite empire.... hm... probably the Han dynasty or the 18th dynasty of Ancient Egypt.
Sep 28, 23 at 8:13pm
Ooo yay. Never can go wrong with unleashing an Eldritch horror on the world.
1. You're walking with your sister down a busy street when someone creep tries to grab her dress/skirt. What do you do? - well if she ever does we would beat him down WWE tag team style. Contact my gay homies to gather a crew and have them show him what it's like to be groped and fondled without consent. 2. You spot an odd black book on the ground outside your house. It's scrawled in some strange writing. What do you think it says? Do you pick it up? - no clue since I'm sure I'd guess wrong but I would try to unlock the dark magic and unleash eldritch horror upon the world. 3. You receive a lovely, floral smelling letter inviting you to a tea party at noon on the weekend. Do you accept? -possibly, depends on the details of the letter. 4. The invite said anything above semi-formal will be accepted, but don't be surprised to be underdressed if you do. What do you decide to wear? - boots and flannel to be all fancy and underdressed style would be lounge pants and a shirt. 5. It asks you to fill in any allergen information, what do you put down? -Poison
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