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35 year old Female
Last online about 15 hours ago
Sep 28, 23 at 8:16pm
Mexican food really is life. There's nothing to make you feel more at home than homemade horchata. Though the mexican food I'm used to is either based from Yucatan(my sister in law family from there) or more El Salvador influence.
11. What is your MBTI?(myers-briggs personality assessment) ENTP 12. Do you have any religious beliefs? Yes 13. If you were an anime character, who do you think you'd be?(in an existing anime) i really want to say something normal but prob dazai from stray dogs 14. Are you a brave person in the face of things others would run away from? yes thats how i life 24-7 15. What is your favorite food? carne asada, flautas, 90% of mexican food 16. What is your ideal first date like? hours of talking nonsense 17. Do you have the brain worms? wtf 18. What sort of exercise do you like to do? running and fencing 19. Are you a workaholic or a sofa surfer? both 20. What is love? the thing you feel in your stomach
Mr. Rogers @rafaelsanzio you are an honorary mexican, conow ngratulations. You can now cross the border ilegally, work as a gardener and have a mustacho and sombrero.
yuuzora @yuuzora XD I worked with nothing but Mexicans picking cherries and apples since I was 12. Though I prefer higasa, it's basically the same thing as a sombrero. All I need is a mustacho....... :(
Sep 28, 23 at 8:15pm
Wut wut History buff for the win. How often do you think of the Roman Empire? Also Mariachi is really good. It's an amazing ensemble that takes a ton of coordination to do well.
1. What is your favorite color? black/wine 2. What music is on your playlist right now? mariachi in a non ironic way 3. What anime/manga have you been reading/watching lately? LAIN IS LOE LAIN IS LIFE 4. What languages do you speak? Spanish english 5. What job do you have? Data Analyst 6. How many siblings do you have? 0 7. Do you get along with your parents? yes 8. What is your favorite drink? difficult, probably lemon juice (natural) 9. Do you drive like an asshole? no 10. What classes did you like in school? history, economy god i love social studies
Mr. Rogers @rafaelsanzio Roman empire? pfff thats normie tier taste, everyone know the best empire was the ottoman
yuuzora @yuuzora No lie. The Turks made a grand effort. I honestly would've liked to see them rule the world over the western barbarians. I'm currently learning about India's history but so far my favorite empire.... hm... probably the Han dynasty or the 18th dynasty of Ancient Egypt.
Sep 28, 23 at 8:13pm
Ooo yay. Never can go wrong with unleashing an Eldritch horror on the world.
1. You're walking with your sister down a busy street when someone creep tries to grab her dress/skirt. What do you do? - well if she ever does we would beat him down WWE tag team style. Contact my gay homies to gather a crew and have them show him what it's like to be groped and fondled without consent. 2. You spot an odd black book on the ground outside your house. It's scrawled in some strange writing. What do you think it says? Do you pick it up? - no clue since I'm sure I'd guess wrong but I would try to unlock the dark magic and unleash eldritch horror upon the world. 3. You receive a lovely, floral smelling letter inviting you to a tea party at noon on the weekend. Do you accept? -possibly, depends on the details of the letter. 4. The invite said anything above semi-formal will be accepted, but don't be surprised to be underdressed if you do. What do you decide to wear? - boots and flannel to be all fancy and underdressed style would be lounge pants and a shirt. 5. It asks you to fill in any allergen information, what do you put down? -Poison
Sep 28, 23 at 8:12pm
You can assume the tea party invite is from a friend. And that looks fancy enough for a tea party that is semi-formal. If you have anything lace or have a scarf you can tie into a cravat or ascot, that'll look nice also. :)
Sep 27, 23 at 10:09pm
1. You're walking with your sister down a busy street when someone creep tries to grab her dress/skirt. What do you do? --- Beat the everloving FŒK out of him. People here take that very seriously so others on the street are gonna join me and then the police will join me and then eventually when he's almost dead they'll take him away 2. You spot an odd black book on the ground outside your house. It's scrawled in some strange writing. What do you think it says? Do you pick it up? --- I'll 100% pick it up. My weeb brain will immediately think it's a spell book. But eventually I'll just throw it in the garbage XD 3. You receive a lovely, floral smelling letter inviting you to a tea party at noon on the weekend. Do you accept? --- nope stranger danger. If it's someone I know, I'm 100% going 4. The invite said anything above semi-formal will be accepted, but don't be surprised to be underdressed if you do. What do you decide to wear? --- I don't have any fancy clothing so I'll just wear a pair of black or blue pants, a white shirt with a watch and I'll wear black shoes. Like this https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1152224721631449160/1156788943082225694/image0.jpg 5. It asks you to fill in any allergen information, what do you put down? --- hmm I don't think dog saliva and pollen would have anything to do with the tea party so I won't put anything there XD
Sep 26, 23 at 9:42pm
What technique did you use? It looks almost like felt to my eyes.
PartTimeItaliano @parttimeitalian If I can remember we had a bunch of props to sketch to the paper and we used them to make something for Mexico's day of the dead and I made this from it.
yuuzora @yuuzora Very interesting. Those lines are very clean though I can see your smudge patches from your hands.
PartTimeItaliano @parttimeitalian It will remain as my most favorite drawling made, and the only one I still have any pictures of sadly.
yuuzora @yuuzora That is very sad! Do you feel like art is something you enjoy doing but cannot anymore? Or are you crippled by Imposter Syndrome?
PartTimeItaliano @parttimeitalian A bit of both, I just don't enjoy it as much, possibly because It was mainly all I had at the time and now I have a bit more to work with on keeping occupied and enjoying my time.
yuuzora @yuuzora I see. As long as you do find hobbies you like and you can find time to enjoy those. It's all too sad to see someone give up a hobby for a job. What other hobbies are occupying your time?
PartTimeItaliano @parttimeitalian D&D, Reading,Binge watching and a few other things.
yuuzora @yuuzora Okay. That's good. D&D is always fun when you can actually find a good group. Do you have a good consistent one? Have you ever been a DM? Also, if you're bothered by the questions, feel free to yeet me into a bin. :)
PartTimeItaliano @parttimeitalian I don't mind the questions, yes I have a consistent one, this will be our 4th campaign on D&D 5e and 1 in starwars dnd5e which has been a blast and yes I've DMed before
yuuzora @yuuzora That sounds very fun. I recall one being made based on the Anne Rice vampire books back in my uni days. I wasn't directly involved, but I drew characters for my friends who were in it. There's really a lot of creativity to be had in it. Especially the ones who larp. What class do you like to play?
yuuzora @yuuzora Wait. Druids? I'm Irish... so Druid means something very different to me. XD
yuuzora @yuuzora Druids in ancient times long before the Celts as we know them now were spiritual leaders a bit like Shaman to the natives of America. Usually Druids were women but could be men. They all performed plenty of medicine and acted like a liaison for spiritual conduct like people who wanted to get their child back from the mischievous Faerie folk. In terms of DnD I would have no idea how one would interpret such a thing when that's basically what a wizard is...
PartTimeItaliano @parttimeitalian Think of them as nature loving wizards
yuuzora @yuuzora Interesting. I guess that would be a more modern alternative.
PartTimeItaliano @parttimeitalian I just went with a more simplistic way was all
yuuzora @yuuzora Hn. Do you play in consideration to the 'moral alignments'? Back when the one group I was in first started, our DM insisted that we use that MBTI stuff. But then he also was a bit genius to use our actual physical conditions as stats which was a great buffer for me at the time. XD
PartTimeItaliano @parttimeitalian Yes we do most of the time with the moral alignment.
yuuzora @yuuzora Which one do you have the most fun with? I always hear chaotic neutral is more fun, but honestly, I loved chaotic evil more. So much more fun to be such a horrid bitch that your entire party turns on you. XD
PartTimeItaliano @parttimeitalian Neutral tend to be the best since you can go Both ways, my party player killed another because our characters found out he waa doing alot of evil stuff and almost had everything to be a lich, it was interesting xD
yuuzora @yuuzora Nice. Have you ever live roleplayed? I did when I was younger but as a equestrian trickshooter. So I didn't really meet many other people. I much preferred hanging out with the horses. lol
PartTimeItaliano @parttimeitalian Sadly no, not like that at least
yuuzora @yuuzora Hn. They are a lot of fun. A bit like a ren fair mixed with an anime convention. You live in Americas, Europe, or?
PartTimeItaliano @parttimeitalian America at the moment
yuuzora @yuuzora Interesting. Are you originally from Italia?
yuuzora @yuuzora Oh. How far back in your family does it go? I'm 'fob' from County Limerick.
PartTimeItaliano @parttimeitalian I'm not sure do to personal stuff I don't know much about em
yuuzora @yuuzora Ow. Well hopefully you'll blaze the trail to see it for yourself someday. Is there anywhere in Italia you really want to see?
yuuzora @yuuzora Hm. I would like to maybe see the Palazzo Uffizi, since it was finished after I'd gone from there a long time ago. I still cannot and will not recommend Venezia to anyone. Though Italy as a whole is bottom barrel for hygiene. :x Anywhere else you have your heart set on seeing?
PartTimeItaliano @parttimeitalian A more colder climate to live in would be nice but to see I really don't have anything on mind.
yuuzora @yuuzora Hn. Perhaps you'd find Ireland interesting then. It's usually cold af but the people are kind and honest. Usually. Dubliners kinda got an attitude problem, though.
PartTimeItaliano @parttimeitalian Yes I heard it's pretty interesting there and can be pretty cold.
Sep 26, 23 at 9:40pm
Just in case this site goes belly up for me again, message me if you want to keep in contact in another way and I'll send you my Discord or whathaveye. And again to the iijits who send me friend requests: READ MY ABOUT FIRST! I will deny all requests that don't follow the instructions on that page!
Criselington @criselington left a comment for yuuzora
Sep 19, 23 at 3:25pm
https://media.tenor.com/FsXl8tF5-_cAAAAC/terry-crews-cool.gif This would be getting my Terry Crews on
Amir @amir_bahram I can hear the whistles XD
Sep 19, 23 at 1:43pm
I recommend rayu as a spicy chili oil that goes well in anything you want a little heat in. I even know people to put it in jam like a sweet/sour/spicy dip.
1. Try and decline cause I hate singing in front of others, but if I have to. Say so by Doja Cat, Daisy by Ashnikko, Like it like that (Cardi B), Livin' On A Prayer, Chop Suey, etc. Whatever comes to mind lol 2. Noodles, anything spicy and whatever looks good lol 3. Go to bed anyways. All due respect there's not much I can do for the dog 4. Going to a park and having a picnic, going to the mall or doing whatever they suggest as long as it won't get us in trouble lol 5. No, I couldn't tolerate that kind of scene nor the smell of alcohol (I get lightheaded and dizzy), but if they really need me to be designated driver...I would so I could watch over them. Prepare buckets and all that jazz for the drive home just in case
Rose Mommy ® @wei_ying I don't think I've ever heard of that myself before. Sounds delicious and I want to try it
Sep 19, 23 at 1:42pm
"get Terry Crews on"... what does this mean?
1. You've been randomly selected to participate in some sort of karaoke contest, what song do you sing first? - No idea, I suck at singing so maybe something fun like Cool Patrol or Dinosaur Laser Fight by NSP. 2. You've entered an Asian grocery store, what do you get while you're here? - I guess spices and seasonings, and food if they have it. 3. You're about ready to go to bed when you suddenly hear someone crying outside that they've just hit someone's dog. What do you do? - Laugh and say not tonight Appalachia. 4. Your friends are making some plans for the weekend. What do you suggest? - Probably drink around a bonfire and play horseshoe or corn hole I guess. 5. Your friends invite you to a local bar/club for some drinks and a rave. Do you go with them? Get a whistle and some glow sticks and get my Terry Crews on.
Sep 19, 23 at 1:40pm
Gochujang is life! So it rayu(chili oil). I put it in just about everything.
Sep 19, 23 at 2:15am
1. You've been randomly selected to participate in some sort of karaoke contest, what song do you sing first? --- Everybody wants to rule the world by Tears for Fears 2. You've entered an Asian grocery store, what do you get while you're here? --- Noodles, gochujang, shrimp paste, soy sauce, fish sauce, sesame oil, cooking wine, miso, steamer pans and lots of snacks 3. You're about ready to go to bed when you suddenly hear someone crying outside that they've just hit someone's dog. What do you do? --- I'm too tired for this. It's not person's problem not mine XD imma sleep 4. Your friends are making some plans for the weekend. What do you suggest? --- Let's go swimming and then eat something 5. Your friends invite you to a local bar/club for some drinks and a rave. Do you go with them? --- yeah I would. I won't drink tho
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