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35 year old Female
Last online about 10 hours ago
Aug 01, 23 at 10:00pm
To clarify, but man child or baby I mean people who just can't take care of themselves. Like someone who can't wash thy arse or a girl who refuses to tell you why she's mad and expects you to figure it out. People who can't do a basic level of cooking and cleaning because they expect someone else to do it for them. It is actually healthy and necessary to nurture your inner child as an adult. So I don't mean liking going to play on the swings, going out for ice cream, going on hiking adventure through the woods, playing video games together, etc. Those are good things. I mean the girl who is all like "I'm fine." but is very clearly mad at something and can't communicate effectively. And for the men it's those guys who refuse to do anything around the house because "they don't know how" or they'll do it in the worst way possible to create more work for their mother-partner. I'll go through and answer my own questions, but my ideal person is more nuanced.
Aug 01, 23 at 11:19am
1. Do you want someone with emotional intelligence, book smarts, street smarts, or a healthy balance of them all? Preferably emotional intelligence and street smarts because college educated people piss me off. They think they are so cool with their piece of paper. https://media.tenor.com/Wv012AfLY0EAAAAC/gangsta-k-on-gangsta.gif 2. Do you want long or short term? Some people only want casual things. That's okay, but it is important to state that upfront.) Long term is the only way I deal. I'm talking through plague, world war III, World war IV, Samsara, and Shiva's Tandava(the dance of destruction) https://media.tenor.com/AEUAGzV2Tf0AAAAC/anime-animefunny.gif 3. Are you a man child or a woman who acts like a baby? If so, grow up. Women aren't your mother and men can't read your mind like you're a damn baby.) I like a mix of both cause no one ever really grows up and the ones that think they do are just stagnant bitter types who want to send young people to wars. I hope my partner expects me to read her mind and when I don't she stands over me while I'm asleep with a knife in her hand contemplating but puts the knife away and snuggles with me. https://media.tenor.com/hkeM4Uie0bcAAAAC/anime-lick-anime-yandere.gif https://media.tenor.com/ydCD6RffzIQAAAAi/love-cuddle.gif 4. Are you mentally, financially, physically stable enough to have someone else put up with your shit? If no, make a plan to fix those things first. Even if you're not 100% there, as long as you're working on it should be good enough.) Always have been, cause it's never done. You're always working on yourself. When was the last time someone said "you're enough" that's right, never. Cause it's never enough. You're never good enough. You never will be. That's why people are never happy and become apathetic. I expect my partner to recognize this disturbing trend in humanity as we talk about ways to fix it that will never happen then laugh at everyone's suffering while we suffer aswell. https://media.tenor.com/tkgTNOL3nxoAAAAC/k-on-yui-hirasawa.gif 5. Weird thing, but what is your 'sex drive'? If you have a low or high one, it's okay to know what you need and state that. Don't date someone who isn't prepared for those things.) I hope our sex life is like British porn. We should always feel guilty after sex but want to do it again anyway. It better be sticky too. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nuHI9-_Moig 6. What are the red flags YOU give off? We all have toxic traits. Some people are more well equipped than others to handle it. Being aware of your own red flags helps you to avoid people who will highlight those traits! (This includes identifying your misogynistic and misandrist thoughts and dismantle them. It's toxic, toxic bullshit.) I am both misogynistic and misandrist as I hate everyone equally. Especially myself since we're all a reflection of each other. Hopefully my partner can deal with my self deprecation with her own insecurities reflected in her actions. Maybe semi abusive, idk that's her domain. https://media.tenor.com/ZJpW9TXNlCIAAAAC/ora-oraora.gif 7. Finding out your love language is a good way to understand how you'll receive and give affection. It isn't set in stone, but it helps us to understand how someone shows how they care. Your love language needs to compliment your partner's.) I only learned of "love language" recently so I still need to research more but I hope my partner bites me whenever she wants sex like lionesses do to lions. Like painful bites that draw blood. I think the closest thing I have to a love language is running away because I do that whenever I have a crush or I bully who I have a crush on. There is no inbetween. https://media.tenor.com/4JUe-YWBM0UAAAAi/peachcat-cat.gif https://media.tenor.com/x91zb9XYaiQAAAAC/anime-girl.gif 8. Match the energy. If they are a serious person who doesn't like to joke around a lot or hates pranks, you're gonna want to know that ahead of time.) I need surprise slaps to keep me sharp for when the Apocalypse happens and we have to fight demon zombies. https://media.tenor.com/n-dSxCRnnwAAAAAC/tiger.gif
Ghost @kuharido Oh yeah I can agree with that. The basics are important.
Jul 21, 23 at 12:17am
Bestie, is that you? XD Seriously sounds like my best friend. I'm dying laughing.
deathgodzero @deathgodzero The struggle is real lol. :P
Jul 17, 23 at 10:16pm
I'm dying. This was perfection.
Jul 17, 23 at 7:41pm
Jul 16, 23 at 9:39pm
It means, "Is that so. Weird. lol"
Ehhh, I might just be stupid... what's that mean again? LOL
Jul 16, 23 at 7:23pm
Sou kana. Ki mochi. warawara.
Curlymity @forgetmenot left a comment for yuuzora
Jul 16, 23 at 12:53am
Curlymity @forgetmenot left a comment for yuuzora
Jul 16, 23 at 12:53am
Jul 01, 23 at 9:45pm
Honestly, Florida isn't too different from Oregon. Plenty of crazies there, too. Which hurricanes had you seen in your time there? It's good to hear you never had to deal with bullies. I honestly don't know anyone who wasn't bullied at some point(other than my baby sister, because I made sure she didn't, unless you count my older sister........) You have any siblings?
I agree, its quite nice but pretty pricing to fix up, i havent either with a bath, this reminds me that LA fitness has a Sauna and a Hot tub next to the pool lol I forgot about these conveinces. I've never dealt with fighting or bullies so I cant relate though Florida is more so the hurricane state and the crazy one. We used to deal with them here n there
Jul 01, 23 at 2:06am
Oh having a pool would be hella nice. That's basically what I need. Just a place with water so my joints aren't so stressed. I haven't even so much as taken a proper bath in years. This is as opposed to shower! Shower=clean self Bath=relax muscles. Honestly punching harder surfaces really makes your punches hurt more. I trained because I was quite literally tortured by school bullies and I got to thinking they could potentially hurt my baby sister. So I trained myself so that would never happen so long as I had breath in my lungs. Oh I hear that living in the south has legendary thunder storms. Do you experience tornados or hurricanes?
Jun 30, 23 at 7:23pm
Oh, you're a water baby, too? Yas. Where do you like to go swimming? Hnhn. Being a poor child, I used trees as punching bags. It was a long time of splinters and bruises before I got used to it. lolol. But I think you can use a tightly packed laundry bag if you're scared of punching a tree. lololol
Jun 30, 23 at 7:23pm
Oh, you're a water baby, too? Yas. Where do you like to go swimming? Hnhn. Being a poor child, I used trees as punching bags. It was a long time of splinters and bruises before I got used to it. lolol. But I think you can use a tightly packed laundry bag if you're scared of punching a tree. lololol
Ahh I gotcha, best of luck with it, im sure you'll get there its just a long process from what i remember. I've been swimming everyday, I wanna start using my punching bag though. Im a curious cat
Jun 29, 23 at 9:48pm
I'm not there yet. I've got 10 more kilos to be where I want to be. We'll see how things pan out. Ideally I'd regain my muscle also, but I'd need access to resources I just don't right now. Also, gold star for actually reading my About page. Most people simply don't, though it saves a lot of time.
You look good, congrats on the weight loss.
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