Veru @verucassault
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Veru @verucassault

yaasshat @yaasshat
yaasshat @yaasshat
And some have wondered...
I say nothing without a clear reason and it's not up to me to explain the obvious.

yaasshat @yaasshat
yaasshat @yaasshat
All the clever people... Where do they all belong?

SimonSan @simonsanbr
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SimonSan @simonsanbr
Bitch if you want. You know Ill listen! Well its good you found someone like that, it does make life a little easier lol
So you think she might be related to you or something?. Just dont have kids and youll be fine lol
Eh, well things are presently not too much different than usual. Still working at the same place now (been there a year and still like it, which for me is impressive), Still doing the same crap after work. Though I have ment someone on here recently, who like with you, is very much like me, which I find great and she seems to like me back. She seems too good to be true though, apart from being on your side of the Atlantic...

yaasshat @yaasshat Good to hear and best of luck. Personally, the thought of long distance on the same continent would seem hard enough. As much as I've seen people complain on here, it's always funny to me how many have actually worked things out and *ahem* multiple times for some.;P

Veru @verucassault Woah, did you two meet at a family reunion? Hey, if all else fails, and it doesn't work out between you two, at least she's still in the family!!

Arc @arc but hey, at least that makes who to invite to the wedding that much easier :3

SimonSan @simonsanbr
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SimonSan @simonsanbr
Yes, Ive noticed whats been happening in there and I often try to stay away. Any meaningful topic would only get derailed after 5 minutes anyway lol
Things going well on your end?

yaasshat @yaasshat Hmmm... Going well. I suppose that's an eye of the beholder type of thing. I could bitch, but it's really not worth it. I've found a woman who's so much like me, it's scary(well, she's quite a bit more submissive.) . That's good, right? I only question lineage...meh...A good chunk of my family comes from west Virginia(you may or may not get that), so nothing new there.XD
Anything good on your side of the Atlantic?

SimonSan @simonsanbr
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SimonSan @simonsanbr
What? Me and you?
Been a long time since then!

yaasshat @yaasshat No...Not quite. But, we could start the old times again. I've seen a few of us old heads floating around as of recent. I honestly prefer more thought out topics, even if I'm not the most educated individual on here...by far.XD It's just been alot of the same rehashed topics and on going gag topics accompanied by literally the same handful of teens and a couple of adults as of late. Still, there's been more going on as of late than in a while.

yaasshat @yaasshat
yaasshat @yaasshat
Funny how it gets quiet on the forums without a certain duo...Just a thought.;P

Veru @verucassault Heard you're talkin shit.. thought I would come by to see what that's about. HMMM? LOL

Arc @arc
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Arc @arc
Here, Yass. Veru and I prepared this special dish of tripe for you. Yummy, yummy! Enjoy!

yaasshat @yaasshat I do like that kind of tripe, however.

Veru @verucassault
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Veru @verucassault
Did someone say tripe?

yaasshat @yaasshat I get gifts of food for bitching? Finally, it's all paying off!!!

SimonSan @simonsanbr
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SimonSan @simonsanbr
I wouldnt want your gf to get jealous ;)
Wont let me reply in the little box, no idea why...