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Team Anime @teamanime
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Team Anime @teamanime

Jessie @erendel
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Jessie @erendel
Suppose I could recommend Berserk, Elfen Lied, Jin-Roh: The Wolf Brigade, Fairy Tail, Parasyte and Arslan Senki to name a few. I enjoy those that you mentioned as well, like a good thriller, hehe. Came home from an exam earlier today, so I wasn't to active today or yesterday.

Onizuka @averageboss
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Onizuka @averageboss
Welcome to MO! :)
Since you enjoy Cowboy Bebop, might I recommend Outlaw Star?
Physical part of a woman you first look at to decide if you can date her.

whitematt @whitematt
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Physical part of a woman you first look at to decide if you can date her.
whitematt @whitematt
I understand. I just didn’t think I would see the same kind of posts in this type of forum that are common in other mysogonistic forums like bodybuilder. Next thing you know there’s a string of would you smash posts ^^. I’ll try not to jump to conclusions in the future
Physical part of a woman you first look at to decide if you can date her.

whitematt @whitematt
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Physical part of a woman you first look at to decide if you can date her.
whitematt @whitematt

Cmon guys it’s 2019 can we stop objectifying women. They are people not trophies.
The first thing you should notice is the beauty within. Can you hold a conversation? Do you appreciate her as a person? These should be questions you ask yourself about a woman and whether or not you can date her. Cup sizes are just the cherry on top if you’re lucky enough to find a great connection with somebody ;)