sun_die @sun_die
sun_die @sun_die
Hello everyone, it's been a bit since I last posted. How is everyone?
sun_die @sun_die
sun_die @sun_die
Look at this distinguished gentleman, look at the way he is sitting. Yes, very distinguished
Panda-kun™ @hell_hound7 He is a Handsome young man
sun_die @sun_die
sun_die @sun_die
I'm all yours
sun_die @sun_die
sun_die @sun_die
You are so worthy of everything
Amir @amir_bahram That's an adorable pic
tracyminajj @tracyminajj
left a comment for
tracyminajj @tracyminajj
sun_die @sun_die
sun_die @sun_die
Your life is in your own hands. Try to be present in the moment, talk with the people you love, tell the person you like that you like them. Nothing is forever and forever is nothing. Be happy for the things that you have in the present, you will never know when your life will end, so live everyday like it's your last day. Risk everything to obtain what you want, until it's too late.
sun_die @sun_die
sun_die @sun_die
And I've never felt more alone
sun_die @sun_die
sun_die @sun_die
The blush is real
Panda-kun™ @hell_hound7 Your eyes look hell pretty tho, im jealous ;-; swap with me
sun_die @sun_die
sun_die @sun_die
I feel like I need someone, but at the same time being alone doesn't sound that bad. I can't get hurt
sun_die @sun_die
sun_die @sun_die
Even my bad mood got away