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39 year old Male
Last online about 1 year ago
Ah, I know what you mean, er at least I used to. I thought I found the right person. But I didn't. I ended up having two children by two different guys who didn't even want me nor the child. Oh well though. I mean, if it was meant to be it would have been. But since it wasn't I am staying strong for the children and myself. One day I will find the right person who will love me and my children. ^^ I guess. That's what people tell me anyway. I think they just say that so my feelings wont be hurt. xD
oh o: I've already watched mostly all the anime on Netflix xD I do play video games. What kind of video games do you play?
It isn't too hard, I love cooking for them though. :D I made them some onigiri earlier. They loved it. I put tuna in as the filling. Sadly I didn't have any nori to wrap it with. But that is okay, still was amazing.
I'm Apache with Irish ancestry from my fathers side. I prefer to just say Apache though because I was raised in the culture, citizen of the tribe, & I don't talk to my father. Yeah I really dislike crunchyroll. That's why I just buy my dvds.
Yes, very slow. It sometimes doesn't even load at all and it buffers way to much. Well I don't really see why I should say? .-. You can guess if you want.
Crunchyroll is hell e_e Well it's better than knowing some dancing than none at all :P
I think you'll like both of those. :) Well dancing is one of them. Lol. I don't necessarily like Chris Brown. I have not seen or listened to him in a long while. I prefer to dance like B2ST. I also mean dance as in ballet, folklorico, etc.
Thanks! I'm good and you? =^.^=
Really it isn't that hard once you get used to it. Both fathers to the girls left me for other women, because I'm "ugly". Which I don't care, it is their loss I guess. I am perfectly content with the way things are. Slightly lonely, but it happens. Life has trials to test us all. Whether we pass or fail is up to us. Correct? ^^' At least, that is my opinion.
Haruu @haruu left a comment for stand_alone_complex
Aug 09, 13 at 12:16am
Ahh, I see. D: The girls I've met so far were all really nice though. <3 Well--good luck! Some new member just joining can always come along. :D