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28 year old Male
Last online 36 minutes ago
Pasadena, TX
dandaman @dantheman06 left a comment for SnakeePoo
Jan 09, 17 at 9:44pm
HORY SHieT!OH MY GAW! But yeah, good every1's intact m8.
SnakeePoo @solid_snake95 Thank you Dirty Dan for your concern. It means alot. Yes thank goodness everyone was alright. My memes are alright as well. Lol
Just got into a wreck. Everyone is okay but the other car needs a new front end for rear ending my mom's dodge truck. lol
SnakeePoo @solid_snake95 Its all good homie. The other person came flying out of the chickfila parking lot onto the highway and tried to illegally cross two lanes of traffic and rear ended us. Luckily the guy took responsibility for it. So there were no charges against my mom.
Panda-kun™ @hell_hound7 he must have robbed some chicken nuggers if he was in such a hurry to get out of there. but glad to hear your safe :)
SnakeePoo @solid_snake95 Thanks man, and yeah probably! Lmao His front end was scraping against the ground when he was following the officer
Why do I only see males turn up in the newest female section, but not vice versa?! Getting real tired of these males taking up much needed space in the female section. #Triggered Lolol
This is probably the longest I have gone without texting a female love interest. I guess I really have either moved on or I am too lazy to try again.
‍Animekid @animekid I feel ya man.
‍Animekid @animekid It might be either of those though. I haven't moved on but I don't feel the urge to text her as much anymore but she's still on my mind. It's like a weird pleasant yet unpleasant limbo. Scares me a little to be honest but you might be going through something similar. How do you feel at the thought of having a nice long conversation with her?
‍Animekid @animekid It might be either of those though. I haven't moved on but I don't feel the urge to text her as much anymore but she's still on my mind. It's like a weird pleasant yet unpleasant limbo. Scares me a little to be honest but you might be going through something similar. How do you feel at the thought of having a nice long conversation with her?
‍Animekid @animekid I meant to say that it might not be either of those.
SnakeePoo @solid_snake95 You're gonna be okay Kid. Problems have a way of working themselves out. Who do you mean by, "How do you feel at the thought of having a nice long conversation with her?" I mean having any nice long conversation with a girl I would find attractive would be cool, but it would all depend on if I am in a good stage of my life to try again. I don't want to like lead a girl on for a whole year before I graduate to even being able to go on a first date.
yaasshat @yaasshat Or, it's just better to not try and think about it. If you're over said "love interest", enjoy the accompanying relief and don't worry about it.
SnakeePoo @solid_snake95 That is exactly what I am doing. This wasn't intended to be a sad post at all. It was supposed to be a "huh imagine that" kinda thing.
‍Animekid @animekid Ah my bad then *head conk* I know I'll be fine one way or another and hey! This was supposed to be me trying to cheer you up and not the other way around! Although I did misunderstand the situation *embarrassed cough*
SnakeePoo @solid_snake95 Its all good Kid! Thank you though! It really is the thought that counts. :D No need to be embarrassed. Trying to help a friend who is down is admirable nonetheless.
yaasshat @yaasshat I got what you were saying. It puts the lotion on it's skin or it gets the hose again.
Why is it so freaking cold in Texas today?! It's one thing that the place I am staying in doesn't have proper insulation or any type of central heating whatsoever, but now this! Yikes!
My day in a nutshell http://i1.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/newsfeed/000/501/380/2ad.png
Field report: Manscaping feels weird. That is all.
I keep forgetting I have an agent now that helps me with this mountain of paperwork. I will be fine. Phew!
Freaking out on the inside from all of this new info. I organized it all onto a sheet of paper like a to do list and it still is sooo much to do in only one month.
And I got another sheet that was a list of items that I need to bring. Which were all over $1000. I am grateful, but I hope the scholarship program I am in pays for it all. Or at least most of it. I am stressing out when I don't need to be.