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beaumb @beaumb
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beaumb @beaumb
Hello! :D Its nice to meet you. I'd love to talk and all that stuff \(^^)/

savergreed @savergreed
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savergreed @savergreed
Hello nice to meet you ^^

Kodoku na Doutei @kodokunadoutei
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Kodoku na Doutei @kodokunadoutei
Hey ;) what part of California do you live in like county wise?
Hi~ x3

serpent_valintine @serpent_valintine
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Hi~ x3
serpent_valintine @serpent_valintine
hi! X3 I'm just looking for an anime that can like make me really attached to the characters, make me feel like I went through everything with them with some humor in it stuff like that.
Hi~ x3

serpent_valintine @serpent_valintine
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Hi~ x3
serpent_valintine @serpent_valintine
lol I'm sorry.