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renix4 @renix4
renix4 @renix4
Huh. My work unblocked the site again. Everyone I know is gone.

renix4 @renix4
renix4 @renix4
I like Yandere's because they seem the most devoted/loyal. Like Yuno Gasai from Mirai Nikki, she literally became a GOD just to be with Yuuki; but yeah irl girls are picky af lately. There's no pleasing anybody these days.

kitsunespirit @kitsunespirit
kitsunespirit @kitsunespirit
Trust me I'm hard to please. I am better when it comes to friendship.

renix4 @renix4
renix4 @renix4
I live surrounded by insane heavily triggered people. I'll loosen up when I leave the country. Until then I've got to be ready.
Looking For a Strong Connection

yaasshat @yaasshat
commented on
Looking For a Strong Connection
yaasshat @yaasshat
Loosen up, my

yaasshat @yaasshat Ok... Soooo... You ok there,buddy?
Looking For a Strong Connection

renix4 @renix4
Looking For a Strong Connection
renix4 @renix4
Hello all.
I'm seeking either someone full of pure devotion who is proactive in showing their affection and/or a partner in crime to synergize with and bring out each others superself.
If you can see yourself becoming attached to me, or think we may have mutual goals please feel free to reach out.
Major site bug needs to be fixed

renix4 @renix4
commented on
Major site bug needs to be fixed
renix4 @renix4
especially on a computer it'd still be java related... most of this site is javascript, you can see so yourself by viewing its source or if you use google chrome "inspect element" and read the code.
To Resolve his issues he simply needs to do two things probably 1: click start, 2 click control panel, 3 click java, 4 click the bottom most settings button, 5 uncheck "keep temporary files on my computer"
Then in IE, he needs to click Tools ----> Internet options ----> general tab ----> settings -----> dot the top radio button "Every time i visit the webpage"
you could also click the delete button next to the settings button and uncheck every box except two, Cookies and temporary internet files
Note: I am a IT technician with 13 years of experience. I work for the Department of Defense, Defense logistics Agency, and handle over 400 issues a month.