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Lamby @momoichi
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Lamby @momoichi
cute kitty cat :D his/her name :D?

deleted @amycrysatlz
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deleted @amycrysatlz
I'm very sorry I couldn't answer you sooner,but yes I did get them.

NoMOREheROES @nomoreheroes
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NoMOREheROES @nomoreheroes
*Puts his hand on Pyramid Walkers shoulder*
There you go. Me and my team worked hard to get that crazy picture off your page. We basically kicked each others asses online to do a somewhat good deed..
*Stars walking away with his ninja clan*
now look, your page is back to normal...
Anime Expo 2012

pyramidwalker @pyramidwalker
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Anime Expo 2012
pyramidwalker @pyramidwalker
I've gone to Anime Expo for the past seven or eight years, I think. This is my first time cosplaying, though.