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34 year old Male
Last online 3 months ago
Popcorn245 @popcorn245 Just watched this a bit ago, such a mad lad lol
Too much Big Back activity @joemama711 Haha yeahh but we love his crazyness!
Popcorn245 @popcorn245 Oh yeah, him and William Osman are my fucking idols. Trying to get that same chaotic energy in some of my videos lol.
Too much Big Back activity @joemama711 Ooh who is William Osman?
Popcorn245 @popcorn245 He was roommates with Micheal Reeves, they are often in eachother's videos so you might know him from the background. They are also friends with Mark Rober. Little engineering friend group all making content around California. https://youtu.be/YvIMIUYju1w
Too much Big Back activity @joemama711 Oooh ima check him out then lol thanks!
Real Peace All's calm on the surface Nothing shines through. Not a glimmer of anxiety Nor a shimmer of truth. What's bubbling beneath A most sinister brew. As creatures lay restless With devilish hues. Shivering in darkness Trying to emerge. The beasts be primal Driven by urge. To purge their thoughts And be seen as true. To release the burden And clear your view. After the storms When darkness hath passed. More than calm There will be peace at last.
Too much Big Back activity @joemama711 Is this a song or a Haiku?
Popcorn245 @popcorn245 Just poetry, been a long time since I studied writing, no idea what this fits into. Just kind of write on an idea or feeling and find my flow as I go. This one is about anxiety and how masking might help conceal it from others, but can leave something sinister under the surface. True inner peace is something that goes all the way down.
Too much Big Back activity @joemama711 Makes sense, thats a neat hobby.
Popcorn245 @popcorn245 I do music as well, build a beat on the feeling, then freestyle over the top. Here is a bop lol. https://youtu.be/Pps16ERzxio?si=d60cf27bNm5im7gM
I Gotchu Boo!
Nothing is hotter than a 10/10 woman loving anime calling out my enamel pin by the characters name then getting into a full blown convo with me about jjk! Her inumaki purse was fucking cute!! At the end of it I got her socials so potential W?! (I was just gonna give her my insta tag so she can watch my dub clips but she ended up giving me hers)
KanekiVoices @snakee_dubs Absolute W of a Day!!
Goddess' Pet Think not, doth I, of the things I build. For thy goddess hath left the temple, no altars to be filled. What purpose, a man, what are means without an end? Without ardent worship, all morals start to bend. Cast out, are dreams, with no promise of tomorrow. Shadows left instead, knows now only sorrow. Beauty doth wasted on eyes who cannot see. Dawning visions of a person, he will never be. What art thou ask of me, I beseech you to say! Nights grow cold and long, each orbit she's away. ...Sun doth rise, and moon doth set, but hollow a man, a goddess' pet.
Popcorn245 @popcorn245 @wei_ying today's poem ^_^
Rose Mommy ® @wei_ying Sorry I'm late to reading this! Tagging in the comments like this doesn't work >w<, it's best to tag me with the original post and not after. Other than that, love this poem! I just...the rhymes are so good and I love it!!!
May 27, 24 at 11:54pm
Sorry for eating you everytime I go to the movie theater ;-; you are just too delicious
KanekiVoices @snakee_dubs But is there butter
Popcorn245 @popcorn245 I can butter you up if you want. You have big biceps, big stronk man! You also have a great sense of humor. Sorry I just got cheesy.
May 27, 24 at 11:54pm
Sorry for eating you everytime I go to the movie theater ;-; you are just too delicious
The world is a tough place and no one asked to be here. It's understandable that you feel you cannot bare it at times. I hope you find your light of passion that keeps you here willingly. Living for others is commendable, but it's a true gift when one lives for themself. I don't know you well enough to give you any kind of wishy-washy reasons, but I don't think it would help, more than what you know you have to offer. Glad you stuck around and are trying to better yourself, know if nothing else, I am rooting for you! ^_^
May 27, 24 at 9:27pm
I was locked up a couple times when I tried to end it as a teen. Mental health is difficult. I would never end my life now but the main thing that keeps me from it is just knowing it would hurt loved ones... not because I actually stopped wanting a way out. I thank you for being in such a difficult industry. I can imagine you have to have a mind of steel (my therapist actually cried when I told her about my childhood and early teens even though she read my file beforehand already. My telling it in a monotone voice and joking about it likely did not help) to work with nut jobs like me, hah. Thank you.
Meditation is a great way to lengthen the window between action and reaction. Life is much more peaceful with a little space in your mind! ^_^ You are no joke, just human like all the rest of us. One cannot calm choppy water with a flat iron, to find peace in yourself you need to let go of all these thoughts. Imagine them like clouds in the sky floating by, imagine the different voices and thoughts as passing by in the sky, you cannot stop them, but you can choose whether or not to engage with them. Once you learn to let them be, then you will find peace.
May 25, 24 at 6:38pm
I could benefit from learning how to calm my mind. It would help alot actually. I overthink and panic when something doesn't go my way or I'm hurt instead of thinking first on it. Could be from growing up in a household full of people who emotionally blow up when hurt so that's all I've known. I try my best and I never seem to be able to acheive that inner peace. I talk a big game but at the end of the day I'm a joke people laugh at.
KanekiVoices @snakee_dubs To let them be, huh? I should do that
When one is mad, the ego is who responds with anger, to depart from ego, one must not identify with it. Usually, it is not the other person or the situation that made you angry, it's your egos response to pain, trying to protect you the only way it knows how. The great thing about storms is that they pass, sometimes knowing that can comfort you on choppy waters. The best way to get better at piloting your vessel is knowing your ship and how it handles so you can best navigate choppy waters, they are inevitable. https://youtu.be/326LyfbKPF8
yaasshat @yaasshat commented on Vent
May 25, 24 at 6:16pm
Innocence (Ignorance.) vs knowledge (Experience .) vs wisdom (Realization.). So much easier said than done. I only wonder how one is to achieve calm in the midst of a storm? Those claps of thunder make it AWFULLY hard to hear the silence. How does one calm or better yet, depart from the ego?