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Mika"(look in my bio) @lunathetrap
Mika"(look in my bio) @lunathetrap
What this?
Do Not Enter

Lamby @momoichi
commented on
Do Not Enter
Lamby @momoichi

Mika"(look in my bio) @lunathetrap
Mika"(look in my bio) @lunathetrap
What personality type are you?

BurningHalo @burninghalo
What personality type are you?
BurningHalo @burninghalo
Not sure if this has been done before but I thought it was fun. I took the 16 personalities quiz and came up as an ENTJ-A( . Honestly I'd like to think I was more emotionally aware than my type would suggest but I can see why I might fit otherwise
Here is the quiz if you'd like to take it:
Please answer as honestly as you can, no need to bullshit yourself. And let me know what type you got. Do you agree? Disagree? Give me your thoughts. The test is not long. Should take maybe 5-10 minutes tops.

Mika"(look in my bio) @lunathetrap
Mika"(look in my bio) @lunathetrap
Sauce please?
Last one to post here wins

Zlare @zasexygirl
commented on
Last one to post here wins
Zlare @zasexygirl
Eat vegetables, Stay healthy

Mika"(look in my bio) @lunathetrap
Mika"(look in my bio) @lunathetrap
Hey did you know that this site has a app on Google Play store?