What personality type are you?

BurningHalo @burninghalo
What personality type are you?
BurningHalo @burninghalo
Not sure if this has been done before but I thought it was fun. I took the 16 personalities quiz and came up as an ENTJ-A(https://www.16personalities.com/entj-personality) . Honestly I'd like to think I was more emotionally aware than my type would suggest but I can see why I might fit otherwise
Here is the quiz if you'd like to take it:
Please answer as honestly as you can, no need to bullshit yourself. And let me know what type you got. Do you agree? Disagree? Give me your thoughts. The test is not long. Should take maybe 5-10 minutes tops.

HavePun @havepun
commented on
What personality type are you?
HavePun @havepun
INFP-T Mediator (https://www.16personalities.com/infp-personality) I feel more "logic" than the test tells me though. Some parts may be a bit exaggerated but I overall agree with the results.

queeneymemey @queenmemester
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What personality type are you?
queeneymemey @queenmemester
ENFP-T (Campaigner) Makes it seem like im a crazy hippie who wants independence and love. But its pretty much true, i like my independence, free spirit and emotional connections to others.

MewMew(─‿‿─) @wertingman
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What personality type are you?
MewMew(─‿‿─) @wertingman
INFJ-A (Advocate) fits the description. I'm a complete introvert with a passion to help people.

Emperor Nihilus @no44prometheus
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What personality type are you?
Emperor Nihilus @no44prometheus
This account has been suspended.

Riolis @riolis
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What personality type are you?
Riolis @riolis
https://www.16personalities.com/intj-personality Architect! Bloody accurate.
It's lonely at the top.
Wtf this thing is reading my mind.
edit: After reading all of it, it does sound like I'm a jackass >_> Those poor people whom had to deal with me. lol
"What you have read so far is just an introduction into the complex concept that is the INTJ personality type. You may have muttered to yourself, "wow, this is so accurate it's a little creepy" or "finally, someone understands me!" You may have even asked "how do they know more about me than the people I'm closest to?""
Reading my mind again T_T

BurningHalo @burninghalo
commented on
What personality type are you?
BurningHalo @burninghalo
It's amazing we haven't had a repeat yet

Many-titled Neko @mrnekotamer
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What personality type are you?
Many-titled Neko @mrnekotamer
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duck @jullyann
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What personality type are you?
duck @jullyann

Many-titled Neko @mrnekotamer
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What personality type are you?
Many-titled Neko @mrnekotamer
This account has been suspended.
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