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livingableachedlife @livingableachedlife
livingableachedlife @livingableachedlife
What you don't know was how close... duh, duh, duh. But no really, I live close to Arco where most of those safety guidelines for nuclear reactors came from. And the stuff they did with that reactor... scary. Let's just say that most of those safety rules came from trial and error. Of course they didn't know any better back then.
Political rants

SnakeePoo @solid_snake95
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Political rants
SnakeePoo @solid_snake95
America for as much as I know never ever had any nuclear meltdowns or anything. It was russia since they never followed the proper guidelines in running chernobyl

livingableachedlife @livingableachedlife
livingableachedlife @livingableachedlife
I know I always hear environmentalists go on and on about be greener, cleaner, stop this and that. Which is all good and I agree to a point... but go after the real problems here and put your money where your mouth is. Let's make a product to reduce coal usage in China. But no it's all on us... I'll stop my rant before really getting into examples and stuff... I'm sorry all I can say is TRIGGER!
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livingableachedlife @livingableachedlife
livingableachedlife @livingableachedlife
Lol. in all honesty it's a great source of energy and when you consider maintenance ect. It's much more efficient and environmentally friendly than wind or solar
Political rants

Mountain Tiger @mountain_tiger
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Political rants
Mountain Tiger @mountain_tiger
Nuclear energy should be the preferred source of power:
1) The funny green rocks are cool and we should play with them more.
That is all.