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hazele19 @hazele19
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hazele19 @hazele19
Yeah. Haha xD

hazele19 @hazele19
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hazele19 @hazele19
Hahaha. Probably...

hazele19 @hazele19
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hazele19 @hazele19
Haha! Get enough to have a nice dinner party.
Your dreams and ambitions

kirbz867 @kirbz867
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Your dreams and ambitions
kirbz867 @kirbz867
Life Goals:
- Finally figure out how many licks it takes to get to the center of a tootsie pop.
- Get FoTNS jacked and then fight nerds in post-apocalyptic looking places.
- Obtain a vast fortune that I will then waste by buying a vast collection of worthless Garfield merchandise.
- Do a sweet flip off of a wall while an explosion goes off in the background (followed by hours of lying on the ground in pain).
- Build a super-computer out of 20 Raspberry pis which will only be used to make a single led blink on and off every 3 seconds and hold a small collection of cool dog photos.
- Contemplate all of my terrible life choices and goals.
Hello Everybody

kirbz867 @kirbz867
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Hello Everybody
kirbz867 @kirbz867
My poor, poor babies. You all have no idea how hard it was to steal all these perfect potatoes that look like people at a weird angle. It'll take me hours to find more on eBay!