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jodokon @jodokon
jodokon @jodokon

Duel wielding these were awesome but a pain(sweating like a f’ing pig)

squirrelatemycookie @squirrelatemycookie
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squirrelatemycookie @squirrelatemycookie
Hey there. I see you like Miyabi. I see you are a man of culture. :3

jodokon @jodokon
jodokon @jodokon
BASTARD‼ -Heavy Metal, Dark Fantasy- | Teaser Trailer | Netflix Anime - YouTube

jodokon @jodokon And I prey to god it continues the manga as well:)
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jodokon @jodokon
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jodokon @jodokon
Your Favorite Character

jodokon @jodokon
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Your Favorite Character
jodokon @jodokon

Been my favorite ever since I was nine years old.