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28 year old Male
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Lamby @momoichi left a comment for godspell
Dec 07, 23 at 3:08pm
long timey no talky, hows things? saw you said you were goin to cananada?
Argent @argent4 left a comment for godspell
Nov 09, 23 at 11:17pm
Hi! I'm at chapter 130 or so, at Peace Land arc, so there's still a lot more to read but it has been really interesting so far.
godspell @godspell I'm at chapter 183 rn
Lamby @momoichi left a comment for godspell
Sep 22, 23 at 8:46pm
nice. i havent seen it so no spoilers, but they wrap up the series good?
godspell @godspell Bro I cried man. I cried for disenchantment and venture bros
Lamby @momoichi awww. good to hear they end deservingly. you busy or do you mind me ranting about spiderverse :>?
godspell @godspell Disenchantment last episode is literally called goodbye bean. And it really is like damn man. And venture bros explain so much of the main things like why monarch hates Dr venture. Ok what are you mad about in spider verse it's legit a masterpiece
Lamby @momoichi oh nice. you had a theory about that right?
godspell @godspell My theory is Dr venture and the monarch were brothers. Also my theory on disenchantment that mop girl is the true queen of dreamland
Lamby @momoichi brooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo. master PIECE OF SHIT MAYBE. jk jk jk jk. im so mad because it has so much potential! WHY DID THEY GIVE SO MUCH SCREEN TIME TO SPIDERGWEN?! WE COULD HAVE USED THAT TO FLESH OUT SPOT! BUT INSTEAD, SPOT WANTS TO KILL SPIDERMAN WHY?! his dialogue just makes us think hes jealous of him, not that hes some homicidal maniac! that comes out of the blue! miguel is hardly even a side character despite so much importance being put on his character, and spidergwens story/problem IS LITERALLY SPIDERMANS PROBLEM! WHY ADD HER BULLSHIT WHEN ITS THE SAME ISSUE JUST FOCUS ON HIM! GIVE HIM THE SCREEN TIME! THEY SPLIT IT FOR NO REASON!
godspell @godspell Ok you are absolutely wrong on that matter. Spider Gwen has always been the major player of both those movies. In the first movie we had miles and Peter b Parker story. For the second it was Gwen and miles story of growth as a person and Spider-man. Spot is an incredible you have no idea how much better he is than he is in the comics. When he was announced as the villain comic people were like I guess. He's a d rank villian. He's so weak and pathetic. He's a guy who feels spiderman got everything handed to him
godspell @godspell He has powers. He can be praised. He has a family to go back to. Friends. He can have a normal life. He can't. He got the short end of the stick being a freak with spots. His family disappeared on him and he can't have a normal job. And he thought miles would see him as an equal since they were created together. But he's treated as a joke. And with an unstable mind he seeks more power to traverse the multiverse to kill miles parents to give him the same feeling he has. That he's not a joke
Lamby @momoichi spidergwen is a main side character in this movie. she wasnt a main side character in the first, she was just a side character. why give her this much focused screen time when she could have her own whole ass movie, her comics are good/long enough to fill two movies EASILY. you can give more depth to their romance without showing her life in her universe. will we even be getting a spidergwen movie now that what would be the main climax of her own movie, her father finding out her identity, is SHOVED into this one? its like watching two different movies, there are no parallels, just straight copies from eachothers issues (mom and dad finding out who they are)
godspell @godspell Miguel was perfect for his role as an antogistic force. He was so happy and go lucky in the first film. But when he lost his family he trained himself to be the ultimate spider man and he is. He seeks the cannon marvel has written for all of them or not the multiverse will collapse due to his guilty conscious. Miles was the first anomaly thus causing the multiverse to be strained so he might blame him for the loss of his family
godspell @godspell Of course there are parallels the movies are the same. Miles and Gwen suffering for the same consequences they have gone to keeping their secret from the people they love.
godspell @godspell The intro the best thing we could have seen. In my opinion this movie can be seen through her eyes and miles easily.
Lamby @momoichi yes, spot was fucking AMAZING in the beginning, and his design by the end was sooooo kooooool and i love the hapless villain becomes the biggest menace. im so mad at this movie because of the potential, all it got right just makes the wrong more apparent. but whhyyy would spot want him dead, and i ask again, why did it seem like he didnt want to kill spiderman in the beginning? why suddenly midmovie this happens? he envied spiderman, yes, but spot didnt seem so violently deranged that that would make him want to kill him. they should have added a scene where spiderman taunts him, makes him really feel less than, and then make spot be like 'ill show you'. and youd have time for that if you let the spidergwen stuff be its own movie
godspell @godspell I don't think he wants to kill spiderman. At this point I think he wants to make him lose everything first so he understands how he feels. Keep in mind he could have killed them all when he transformed
Lamby @momoichi miguel was great, loved him, hot af, but i wanted more. hes THE driving factor in this movie, but he was barely in it. that chase scene was like 20 minutes long. why. this movie has the worst time management issues. and even the art! it was gorgeous at times, but so fucking cluttered at others. the 'heartfelt scene' gwen has with her dad was so busy, i was too focused on the background to really be in the moment. the first had the perfect about of animation, but this one cant stay still
Lamby @momoichi they are the same, they do not parallel eachother. its two people have the same problem. why? can you tell me what that added to the movie, except that spidergwen gives him the bad advice of keeping his secret to himself? which she could have given anyway, we didnt need their fight for that to happen.
Lamby @momoichi also they gutted her band! her band was the maryjanes! wtf!
godspell @godspell I think the art was perfect. Like spider punk was amazing. His Frame rate is slower than the rest so it personfies his anarchy beautifully. Every world every spiderman had their own style. The background were perfect. Why not? Other spiderman giving advice to other spiderman is such a big deal they all know what they're all going for
godspell @godspell I think Miguel was perfect. He'll have more to do in the next movie. I love him and Peter b Parker bc he was there for him when he lost his family
Lamby @momoichi spiderpunk was a feat of animation. there were so many other examples of just groundbreaking pieces and moments of animation, like spots design in the end. so reminiscent of anime big bads. perfectly ominous. ill also compliment the movie by saying; i thought miles not being his universes og spiderman was dumb, unnecessary detail. until i saw the ending. and it became a HUGE DEAL and was a really kool plot twist. speaking of plot twists, himself being a villain is so kool, i cant wait to see that more fleshed out (though i have my theories). bbuutttt the main issue with the movie was time management, and giving spidergwen far too much room in the story for what? nothing that wouldnt be more suited in its own movie, because her story is so much more interesting than miles
godspell @godspell I think it was perfect because remember they gave us bits of it in her backstory in the first movie then fleshed her out. Plus the movie was gonna be one movie only not two parts. But they accomplish it. Made it a spectacular movie that can be watch by itself. It doesn't feel like a part one at all to me. Even her relationship with Hobbie and miles. This movie really teaches you consequences and moral weight of being Spider-man. Like they even put spectacular spider-man cartoon in their the biggest guy who's gone through it all the goat of cartoons.
Lamby @momoichi but why? what did it add to miles story? and no way, it absolutely is a part one movie. it ends with the protagonist in danger, thats not a clean break ending thats a commercial break ending
Lamby @momoichi aahhh yes! it tries to get into morals, but it doesnt. why not have miles be a dick to spot, belittle him, be haughty and give spot a reason to want him dead. give miles a reason to think 'wow, not only did i accidently make his body weird, i also harassed him into being this way. this is kinda my fault.' instead of making it purely accidental
godspell @godspell Yes it is. Both characters have grown throughout this whole movie. Their personal issues have been addressed and resolved. Miles has the strength to be spiderman bc of all the values instilled to him by his family. Enough to where he's willing to tell them he is spiderman bc he trusts and loves them. Gwen was running away from all her problems and finally ends up confronting those issues and prioritizing what she cares about and what she's willing to fight for. Because the spider corps knows what they are doing is wrong but they have no idea what to do
godspell @godspell This upcoming movie is the peak growth of miles and the consequence that will befall him for choosing this path. Also saving the miles prowler bc he was suppose to be spiderman not our miles. He has to work together with him to defeat the sinister six. Gwen has to come there to save him. And ultimately save Miguel soul and get the spider corps back on track
Lamby @momoichi this is a story about miles. if something happens in her story, it should be a motivating factor to his life, or used as a narrative device to hightlight or contrast miles's struggles. so how did spidergwens story add to miles?
godspell @godspell Of course it's motivating. Bc it propels her to save miles bc she realized there is another way. And that she should have been working with him not stopping him because she doesn't want to be alone and chose the corps
godspell @godspell I have no idea how you can take a perfect movie and say it has potential. Even though there's hundreds of videos essays discussing why it's perfect stand alone movie
Lamby @momoichi propels her to save miles? how so?
Lamby @momoichi because it just wasnt perfect. the first was better. hell, ill say it, fuck it. puss and boots last wish was better. there. i finally said it. and im tired of pretending it wasnt.
godspell @godspell Puss and boots is nowhere better than spider verse. They're their own separate and need to be kept in their categories. Because I can say it that dreamworks copied spider verse style. A lot of studios have done so even tmnt
Lamby @momoichi as far as enjoyment? story cohesion? last wish wins. spiderverse tried to juggle too much and ended up dropping a few balls.
godspell @godspell The only reason people are saying that because the movie was 2 hr 30 minutes. That's why they say that. They didn't drop shit
Lamby @momoichi oi oi oi oi oi oi. i sat through all of beau is afraid and smile. iv sat through a lot of long ass movies and did not come to the same conclusion. this isnt a 'it was too long' issue, this was a 'they didnt use those two hours properly' thing
godspell @godspell So many people say the first is better because the second one was too long. Not enough action though
Lamby @momoichi really?? all i heard over and over was how the second was better. my hopes were sky high! hell, i said as much! that everyone was saying the second was better! and i personally dont need constant action, and the action we got was well choreographed. but i dont think spidergwens personal bs was necessary, and spots homicidal motivations are nonexistant.
Lamby @momoichi why not make spots motives that he just wants his body back? something understandable, but the only way to possibly get his body back could lead to utter destruction? which spots willing to risk, but miles wont. something that doesnt make him like 'im calm and a nerd and trying to steal but and now for no explained reason im a vengeful amorphic blob of ominous static.
godspell @godspell I think the second is better. It addresses what I want. What are the consequences of being spiderman. What does it take to be spiderman. How much does family influence your life. You see all these different spiderman and all their different issues. We have spider India he was living life great no issues for 6 months but he's suppose to lose his Gwen and captain. Miguel loses his family because all he wants is to be happy. Spider punk only there because he wants the spider corps dismantle because he knows there are stuff wrong with it.
godspell @godspell Spot doesn't need to get his body back theres no possible way. His body it's own dimension. And he doesn't want to kill miles. He's gonna kill his dad and ruin his city he loves
godspell @godspell He basically wants to take away everything from miles to make him feel how he feels. He has never stated he was gonna kill miles in the whole movie
Lamby @momoichi but what about miles personal life? what he'll be doing after school? i just feel like theres so much ground that could have been covered if we got rid of spidergwens personal stuff AND SLIM THAT 20 MINUTES CHASE SCENE TO 5 MINUTES TOPS! add more miguel scenes, show how fascistic he can be in more than just one scene. fuck i want mroe from him. and as far as i recall, they dont explain how he concocted that interdimensional league of spidermen all on his own. becauses thats intelligence that even spidermen dont have. hes the only one that achieved this apparently; why? maybe this was explained and i didnt see/remember.
Lamby @momoichi ok lemme ask you this; was he this hellbent on his revenge in the beginning of the movie? if so, what showed this, because all i recall was him saying how spiderman is so lucky. he was angry, yes, but not bloodthirsty
godspell @godspell It was explained. Miguel started the whole thing. Like I said before he is the ultimate spiderman. He's the most intelligent most powerful spiderman. He's more spider than human bc of his DNA. Miles school life has already been set out. He wants to get into the top physic school instead of art school like he wanted because he wants to see his friends again.
godspell @godspell Spider verse is still genius. Bc you watch the first one when miles meets spiderman his green and purple to red and blue. It's because his fate in destiny had been changed
Lamby @momoichi hes the most intelligent and most powerful? wait they actually state in the movie that he has more spider in his dna? and i know its set up in the movie, but i wanted more. more of his teenage angst. showing him balancing being spiderman with the sky high expectations of his parents was great, i wanted more. so, isnt miles 16? spidergwen is minimum 18, so kinda weird them being together. also, nitpick, but why didnt miles dad try and arrest spiderman in that one scene? hes way too chill about a criminal hanging around him.
Lamby @momoichi genius? the only clever element i saw was them making miles being an anomaly in fate being the only kool part, but even that id never call clever.
Lamby @momoichi oops, i did kinda misuse clever xD its kool, cute, but smart? creative id give, but even that feels wrong since marvel is AAALLLLLLL about interdimensional shit, so it isnt original by any means. hell, interdimensional societies are pretty tired at this point. citadel of kangs and ricks. gimme a break.
godspell @godspell Of course he is no one even consider that the spider was from another universe they thoughtt it was a spider that got hit with collidor that bites him. No one considered it a spider from another universe which explains the glitching. The audience assume that it was a side effect from being hit
godspell @godspell No one would assume miles was anomaly bc his body isn't glitching even the world that the spider originated from rejects miles. This is a world without a spider man. It's insanely smart to do this. When he was trying to go back home it traced the spider instead
godspell @godspell Also stop comparing to rick and morty. They never did it first lol
godspell @godspell Man it's always fun to discuss with someone. I had people always tell me on here. Why do I care? Why do you keep talking about it when I obviously don't care. It's so sad it's like you're talking by yourself
Lamby @momoichi not comparing anything, im showing a pattern. how many marvels movies now involve dimensions? i even made fun of the newest antman but stating how its literally just twop rick and morty episodes, miniverse and citadel of ricks. did they actually explicitly mention miguel being more spider? ill admit, i had a hard time paying attention to certain scenes because of how visually busy they were, its like having to see and hear were being split, and i think the spiderleague was one of those scenes. why wasnt miles glitching before? why is he now?
Lamby @momoichi same kek, also nice hearing someone elses perspective being fleshed out. yeah it shows how much you enjoy something. if you cant have a full bodied discussion over media, i dont think you really enjoy that media. when wer done with the spiderverse discourse, i have another contriversial opinion; while, a 9/10 movie, the meaning behind the joker was horribly flawed, and also that the batman heavily ripped it off.
godspell @godspell I think it's fine. Bc spiderman the most well crafted character with different creations in other worlds. It's beautiful that we get to have those addressed bc they were worked on so well. I think multiverse was the best out of all of them. I have no idea why they can get spiderman done correctly and nothing else. Marvel has continually disappointed me with their writing as of late. Yeah I blocked that person her account got removed
Lamby @momoichi ill tell you why; spiderman is one of the few superheroes that are done well. perfect wish fulfillment. nerd gets powers and the girl. personally i think one of the best and most underused characters is harry osborn. best friend that hates your other persona is such a great idea. hence why spidergwen NEEDS TO HAVE HER OWN MOVIE HER STORY IS SO MUCH BETTER THE BEST TAKE ON PETER PARKERS STORY
godspell @godspell I think you can argue for any spiderman that because of their own spin to the character. Have you seen Fiona and cake show yet? It's the sequel to adventure time
Lamby @momoichi fuck no, spidergwen is unique. plus its nice seeing a female spiderman that (was) in my age range. only other spiderwomen we saw were grown ass women, but a girl close to 20 getting her shit together. and i hate how they made her an asshole in the movie. why. that isnt spidergwen, shes quippy and nice. i know all spidermen are like that, so how do they set her apart? make her mean? gimme a break. thats not who she is. shes a little more accurate in the newest the movie? but she still those meaner, harder qualities that og spidergwen just didnt have. she never would have abandoned her father. and why did her dad pull a gun on her?! thats his fuckin daughter! in the comics he lets her go, cause of course he would. that scene made no sense.
godspell @godspell You didn't answer my question on fionna and cake xD
Lamby @momoichi oh yeah. nope. saw bits and pieces like stills from eps and watched the intro when it was released. the intro looked too much like bee and puppycat. i know the main audience is ment to be girls, so i hope they do that properly, or i will be irate.
godspell @godspell I don't think it's oriented for girls. It's a multiverse story using Simon. He's traversing the multiverse for some reason and seeks Fionan and cake bc when he wore the crown. And made his fan fiction. He was seeing the different dimensions and saw them
Lamby @momoichi i mean, the protagonist is a girl and theres romance, so i dont see why it wouldnt be directed toward girls. it should be directed toward girls, we deserve more media that targets us
godspell @godspell I suppose. But we see different versions of Finn. Different versions of ice king. Like the clips I see. I'm so sad for Simon. He has nothing. He has no magic you can't even call human. He feels like a relic of the past that should have disappeared
godspell @godspell He doesn't feel he belongs in the land of ood
Lamby @momoichi aye yo sshhh i havent seen it yet
godspell @godspell Yeah. Fionna and cake will make me happy. I'm rewatching adventure time
Lamby @momoichi bro adventure time was the BEST cartoon of all time. so weirdly deep and meta. i think we can thank adam muto for elevating it to that level, as i believe he becomes the show runner around the time we meet simon, which is when the show becomes canonized
Lamby @momoichi fern was my fave character. him and magic woman (not betty, magic woman) but mostly fern. the idea of being torn between a heart of evil and a soul of valor is so interesting. i cried at his death
godspell @godspell I appreciate adventure time so much showing me the roots on how adult Finn becomes who he is. Also man I wish we were roomies. Home hasn't been great rn
godspell @godspell You see different versions of fern
Lamby @momoichi yeah having a protag that ages is so rare
Lamby @momoichi my fave fern is his treehouse form. probz him at his happiest
godspell @godspell Yeah you'll see all the different adult versions of Finn. And what he could be and what could have been
Lamby @momoichi oh, idc really. i want it to focus on fiona.
Lamby @momoichi wait wait wait wait, can we talk about the joker? and how its messaging is horrible?? and how matt reeves totally leached arthurs charatcer to inspire edwards?
godspell @godspell Sure go ahead I'm at work. So shoot away
Lamby @momoichi firstly; what did you think about the joker?
godspell @godspell It was a great movie. Unfortunately a lot of others don't think so
godspell @godspell It even gave me anxiety
Lamby @momoichi really? people pan it?
godspell @godspell At least when I watched it
godspell @godspell I just heard complaints when I got out
Lamby @momoichi thats crazy. its a 9/10 movie. i wish i didnt already know the twist with his gf. but i think the issue with the movie is it fumbles the message massively. the movie only ever justifies his violence. he never hurt a single person that didnt treat him badly, but in real life people like arthur only ever hurt random people.
godspell @godspell I hope the sequel addresses what was real
Lamby @momoichi lol did you read the rest of what i said
godspell @godspell Yeah I know. I honestly have no qualms with what you said. Lol I mean the movie is flawed. But it's done purposely
Lamby @momoichi purposefully? how?
godspell @godspell Well the story structure is a shambles like his mind. The way it tells it's story can be confusing to some. One would think everything just actually happen he really killed those people. But did he? Is he actually related to the Waynes? Was he actually able to induce this riot killing the Waynes
Lamby @momoichi its not confusing at all. its cut and dry. hes only delusional with his gf, unless you think theres inconsistencies in other aspects of his life?
godspell @godspell I easily think so. That's what I want the sequel to address. How far are these delusions because of when he wasn't able to get his meds
godspell @godspell You feel like having a spooky movie day?
Lamby @momoichi i made many spooky movies planned. i watched circle, triangle, and just need to watch cube to finish the trifecta
Lamby @momoichi i mean the next movie sint about him, so idk how this could be explored properly
godspell @godspell Well I believe Harley Quinn the protagonist being his therapist would entitle her for dialogue on why he did x amount of things. I haven't started I've been waiting to watch werewolf movies
godspell @godspell I finally read the latest chapter of jujutsu kaisen. Again another banger. Internet Twitter on fire again
Lamby @momoichi yeah iv seen reaction memes threatening the mangakas life lol must have been heavy
Lamby @momoichi idk, the movie will be her movie, and i think arthur will just be a piece for her story. like he'll always be in arkham while she lives irl
godspell @godspell Yeah. Again they're dumb for threatening the mangakas life. If they haven't realized the hints he put in place
Aug 21, 23 at 2:06am
I would like it to be a movie to be honest
Aug 21, 23 at 2:01am
@sylvin yeah it's quite enjoyable to read currently. Easily rereadable and likeable characters.
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