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ghostofyoshitsune @ghostofyoshitsune
ghostofyoshitsune @ghostofyoshitsune

How the start of today feels for me right now.

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Monster Hunter World (ps4)

ghostofyoshitsune @ghostofyoshitsune
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Monster Hunter World (ps4)
ghostofyoshitsune @ghostofyoshitsune
Issue for me is that I get sick of tanking for so long with lance. I do love the lance to death but I don't have a proper Guard skill because of my lack of decorations. So I stick to greatsword for tail chopping while having Wide Range to heal up my tanks and fellow dps guys. Then come to find out I'm the only one packing flash pods and life powders for some reason. Those flash pods can really save lives against his tornado move (can't spell that attack name for the life of me right now)
Monster Hunter World (ps4)

ghostofyoshitsune @ghostofyoshitsune
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Monster Hunter World (ps4)
ghostofyoshitsune @ghostofyoshitsune
No worries Peach, we all have those times/moments of personal stuff. And as our friend said not much in MHW till recently. Behemoth is kind of a pain depending on the randoms you end up with, personal experience is that I've had 1 solo victory and zero group victories. Got most of my materials from the Repel mission and from breaking parts during the full fight. A lot of people don't seem to fully grasp what to do with the aggro or don't quote grasp when to run and hide behind a comet (if any are left). But it's still possible to get all the materials for the armor and glaive without multiple victories.