DEAD ACCOUNT @hibarisan
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DEAD ACCOUNT @hibarisan
Same goes to you!

Gabriel @gabriel_true No problem! Enjoy your weekend!

Sobo275 @sobo275
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Sobo275 @sobo275
Getting pretty specific with your username huh lol

Gabriel @gabriel_true It was Veru's idea.

secretagentboi @secretagentboi Plus the world decided to play a prank on him and cut off the ia from Virginia

Gabriel @gabriel_true Yeah! What he said. Plus if I abbreviated to VA then people will believe I am a voice actor. We don't want to give the wrong impression as that would be super embarrassing!

secretagentboi @secretagentboi
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secretagentboi @secretagentboi
Hopefully the link works this time but anywho this is who i was talking about earlier

Gabriel @gabriel_true I have heard of this person before. I just never cared to watch her videos. What's funny is now whenever I try to look up the character the results put this YouTube person at the top which is annoying.

secretagentboi @secretagentboi Yeah I watched her for a while but lost interest pretty fast since her videos were redundant

Gabriel @gabriel_true I believe that's most online celebrities. Once they hit peak saturation they're usually doomed to obscurity.

Gabriel @gabriel_true
Gabriel @gabriel_true
Nyot sure who the absolute madlad was that created this account, but they've got great taste!
Last one to post here wins

Ferris Argyle @ferris_argyle
commented on
Last one to post here wins
Ferris Argyle @ferris_argyle

Winner winner chicken sandwich dinner from BK! They even gave Ferris a nyfty crown though it rightly belongs to lady Crusch.

Pete Zahut @criselington
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Pete Zahut @criselington

A fair warning to all I'd say

Gabriel @gabriel_true *Activates Karma*

Pete Zahut @criselington Oh damn, not karma!

Rose Mommy ® @wei_ying
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Rose Mommy ® @wei_ying
You will let me boop! https://media.tenor.com/7CeI4Tsmz7QAAAAC/anime-tackle.gif

Pete Zahut @criselington Holy guacamole! What is going on here?!?! Leave the poor man alone if he doesn't want to be booped

Rose Mommy ® @wei_ying Never Viking babe. Or you’re next *evil laughs*

Pete Zahut @criselington Yeah... no, and if I'm next good luck trying to find your way through the wooded mountains

Rose Mommy ® @wei_ying I will find my way. Don’t worry UwU

Mountain Curly @forgetmenot You wont. He's a viking. Tough your way through harsh blizzards, and AleBelliies, and by the time you've done that, Cris would have fled elsewhere.

Rose Mommy ® @wei_ying I am everywhere

Rose Mommy ® @wei_ying
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Rose Mommy ® @wei_ying
Come back and let me boop you! https://media.tenor.com/zD2iXGCoujkAAAAC/ganbaruby-run.gif

Gabriel @gabriel_true *whispers while running* Nevvvaaa....

Rose Mommy ® @wei_ying
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Rose Mommy ® @wei_ying
Boop! https://media.tenor.com/4OHxyGd4qp0AAAAC/boop-nose.gif

Gabriel @gabriel_true *dodges boop with my sweet Ultra Instinct reflexes*

AspieChu @projectotakux
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AspieChu @projectotakux
Thank you! Been painting my nails lately. Really like it despite the chemical smell!

Gabriel @gabriel_true They look beautious!!!

Veru @verucassault
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Veru @verucassault
While you're on the Patton kick... lol

Gabriel @gabriel_true Hehehe...