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flyingsaucer @flyingsaucer
flyingsaucer @flyingsaucer
Heather was one of my Og Waifu, back when Waifu wasn't even a term yet. She's quite the badass for venturing into silent hill. The og sh games also have amazing soundtracks. Back then I really like horror stuff, but as I grow older, I kinda avoid them ahha, teenage me would have loved deadspace, but when It came out, i was like Nope! that will give me nightmares haha
Which game would you guys say has the best lore?
Veru @verucassault
commented on
Which game would you guys say has the best lore?
Veru @verucassault
Float Up From Dream
They've come to witness the begging,
The rebirth of paradise despoiled by mankind.
Remember me and your true self as well.
Also that which you must become,
The one who will lead us to paradise with blood-stained hands.
OST Silent Hill 3 ^^^
3 was amazing for the religion lore and even though it wasn't part of the original team, Homecoming was also interesting. I recall it not delving too deep into the cult stuff in 2 and just focusing more on phycological themes. The lore of 4 was amazing as well. I love how they are all their own stories and have their own themes.
Veru @verucassault I didn't care for Deadspace either. They were different types of horror. Silent Hill was also more akin to asian horror movies in that the horror is more in theme and atmosphere instead of the jump scares. I would think Deadspace be more in line with the American horror space.
flyingsaucer @flyingsaucer
flyingsaucer @flyingsaucer
Morning! well, almost midnight here hehe
Last one to post here wins
Audio-senpai @audiosenpai
commented on
Last one to post here wins
Audio-senpai @audiosenpai
Morning Beautiful People of MO
flyingsaucer @flyingsaucer
flyingsaucer @flyingsaucer
How about blue braids for edh, she seems fun.
Magic The Gathering?
Veru @verucassault
commented on
Magic The Gathering?
Veru @verucassault
Still working on making a blue deck I don't hate.
Memorable Story/Characters?
flyingsaucer @flyingsaucer
Memorable Story/Characters?
flyingsaucer @flyingsaucer
Eyyy, It's been a while since I played a game, that left an impression with me in terms of story telling or characters, last one was Tales of Arise.
I think I mostly play arpg or action games with grinds, they usually only have decent story/characters as a filler for the combat and grinding for loot.
I think older games had better story telling.
So what games do you recommend, no spoilers please, and retro games are even more appreciated so I can play on my emulator.
Magic The Gathering?
flyingsaucer @flyingsaucer
commented on
Magic The Gathering?
flyingsaucer @flyingsaucer
ah good thing i didn't give in to the Fomo of Duel commander, it's a format only for the richest of the rich. You can have fun with regular edh with jank and so with other 60 card format, but facing decklists from mtgtop8, is such a snooze.