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haikuwolf @haikuwolf
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haikuwolf @haikuwolf
Ami a troll? Hell i though everybody loved sherk.

wisehollow @wisehollow
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wisehollow @wisehollow
Hey there!

Kilik @kilik
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Kilik @kilik
I get what you'r saying. I'm like you in so many levels, but not completely, of course. I don't see a problem how you spend your money, it's yours, right? I only wish I had the pleasure of spending mine the way I want. On top of which, I'm not good at the whole relationship thing, as well. The best thing I can tell you is that patience may be your best bet (and a little bit of attraction). You may not find someone perfect, but to humans, it IS someone.
Oh, and also, nice career path. I thought that would be my choice, but somehow I wondered onto the path of I.T. How the hell did that happen?
No one likes chibi otaku's...

doorxmouse @doorxmouse
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No one likes chibi otaku's...
doorxmouse @doorxmouse
Chibi = funsize I never new it was a bad thing. I'm used to guys loving that kind of girl. The more feminine and small you are the more masculine they feel/look standing next to you. So unless you are overdoing something I don't understand why could be having issues. Or maybe there is just something wrong with the guys in your area.
do girls really care about...

doorxmouse @doorxmouse
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do girls really care about...
doorxmouse @doorxmouse
As said before, attractiveness is different for each person. However, those other things aren't even a problem at all. In fact I'd say guys that are a bit anti-social would get more attention simply for the fact that when they are social it means so much more.