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quantumsneke @quantumsneke
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quantumsneke @quantumsneke
Hey hows it going so what kind video games do you like

cherryluv @cherryluv
cherryluv @cherryluv
Lemme know what you think of it!

AspieChu @projectotakux
AspieChu @projectotakux
Not sure actually, I might give it a listen.

cherryluv @cherryluv
cherryluv @cherryluv
Bro I love how you posted that after I posted my nezuko drawing. Nezuko can never escape him simping over her.
Art & Doodles

akira @akira_kun
commented on
Art & Doodles
akira @akira_kun
Zenitsu Drawing
What do you find attractive?

cherryluv @cherryluv
commented on
What do you find attractive?
cherryluv @cherryluv
Alrighty, so, I won't actively seek out someone because of thier looks. If they happen to be pretty or handsome, cool. As long as they kinda follow my personal outline? Basically I want someone who is honest not only in general but about how they feel. I want them to be able to communicate with me. Have some humor would be good. Doesn't have to be serious all the time, only when needed. I am a very affectionate person so if they can reciprocate that, it'd be great. Open minded, they don't have to be a specific gender or sexuality, just be open minded in general and not be a well, jerk to others just because of their looks or something that isn't personality wise. Similar interests are also good. Only physical appearance I tend to sought after is them being taller then me, which isn't hard considering I'm 4'11 to 5'0 range.
Something that you just don't understand?

cherryluv @cherryluv
commented on
Something that you just don't understand?
cherryluv @cherryluv
That is oddly specific, but relateable. @choicemoonbee