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Last online over 1 year ago
Chicago Heights, IL
DEACTIVATED @swadian left a comment for BurningHalo
Aug 02, 19 at 6:35pm
Weirdly enough, no! I hadn't tried it in the past because I thought there was no way something like that would help me to keep my balance when making power returns, one day while playing against a friend of mine it just naturally happened and he wasn't able to return it, the way the ball dropped and he couldn't predict it filled me with ego and pride! Then after failing to serve twice in a row I was brought back to earth...
DEACTIVATED @swadian left a comment for BurningHalo
Aug 02, 19 at 6:26pm
Actually when I make returns while playing I twist my wrist either to the inside or the outside depending on whether the ball is to my right or my left, I'm a right handed guy of course!. Twisting my wrist allows me to return the ball with a bit of effect and drop, so it kind of looks as if it slightly curved when hitting the opponents zone, it doesn't always comes right of course because it requires a big deal of training to pull it off right, many times instead of having a breaking effect it goes straight to them allowing them to return it with a big deal of power behind it. When it does works though, they get caught off guard because they need to shift their body balance a bit to return it, which usually means the ball will have a weak speed and trajectory. Since I was self taught I have issues with balancing myself when I'm about to make a wrist twist with a good deal of power, a solution I found is, by lifting one of my legs I could focus everything on the leg that I would be standing, then, with the lifted leg I would gain momentum, and speed and hit the ball. If you want to imagine it... It's like what pitchers do on baseball when they lift their legs! I get a bunch of weird stares when I do it, but hey! as long as it works!
DEACTIVATED @swadian left a comment for BurningHalo
Aug 02, 19 at 6:08pm
Ohhhh! it's great to find another fellow Tennis player!!! I played it through most of my second high-school year and third year, played it occasionally on university as well, never joined any type of club so my technique is very unorthodox, sometimes I can actually serve with a good deal of speed behind it however the lack of consistency on the games I play, opponents and other trinkets make it difficult for me to advance my technique, so I rely on a lot of trickery, speed and sharp angles to win sets!. I'm probably the most annoying person a formally taught player could face I suppose! mostly because of how dirty the style must appeal to others...
kayla123 @kayla123 left a comment for BurningHalo
Aug 02, 19 at 6:07pm
I see. I like that kind of posture - respecting it and believing in the purpose but having your own truths...that's nice. I grew up in religious society so I got used to it and really found myself in it, but I think my character was just to born to believe in something, so I think I would find my way to some religion even without my education and childhood... You're a talkative person, I see - and I'm glad, I love people like that! Out there I'm quite shy and I do not talk too much, which is why I like to be around active and chatty people, just watching them and being silent :) Seeing how things play out is also my favorite strategy. Are you chatty when it comes to real conversations?
kayla123 @kayla123 left a comment for BurningHalo
Aug 02, 19 at 5:54pm
Awww you're so kind :3 I did not really want to look so spiritual, but I'm glad... actually I am religious, I just did not think about writing about that... and you? if you do not mind asking :) Oooh, so you're smarter than I know? Looks like it from your profile info :D
DEACTIVATED @swadian left a comment for BurningHalo
Aug 02, 19 at 5:53pm
That's totally fine by me! the name Swadian comes from the Swadian knights from Mount & Blade What sort of hobbies do you have?
kayla123 @kayla123 left a comment for BurningHalo
Aug 02, 19 at 5:43pm
Gonna show you, promise :3
DEACTIVATED @swadian left a comment for BurningHalo
Aug 02, 19 at 5:41pm
Thanks for accepting!!! I've seen some of your posts here while I was browsing the different threads that popped on my news-feed, it seems like you've been here for quite a while, if it's fine with you, it would be cool to have some chats sometime!
kayla123 @kayla123 left a comment for BurningHalo
Aug 02, 19 at 5:40pm
No, I definitely did not :D Is it wrong here to have somobody's art as a profile pic here? I can change it immediately, I'm not very experienced in this T-T
BurningHalo @burninghalo No sweats on the profile pic. I didn't draw mine either xD
kayla123 @kayla123 left a comment for BurningHalo
Aug 02, 19 at 5:33pm
Working on it! So many friendly people here :3