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Chicago Heights, IL
Lamby @momoichi left a comment for BurningHalo
Jul 15, 18 at 7:56pm
greatest boxy manga of all time http://mangakakalot.com/manga/boys_on_the_run READ IT!!!! its an amazing zero to hero story thats told very realistically! https://file-comic-4.anyacg.co/images/33/12/331284fe7b0575bf148c24d09968eac16805ad27_292702_869_1264.jpg
BurningHalo @burninghalo So like "Baby Steps"?
Lamby @momoichi havent read it, but maybe. its pretty realistic with the mc being preeeeeeeeeetty pathetic in the beginning xD (starts with him trying to find a hooker xD)
BurningHalo @burninghalo tricks need love too...but they gotta pay
BurningHalo @burninghalo I read this...to completion I did not like it
Lamby @momoichi i cri. so you read all the way? what was wrong with it!!
BurningHalo @burninghalo The protagonist is a self-doubting idiot who is reactive af. The "boxing" aspect is beyond slow paced and because the protagonist can only ever act when heavy shit is on the line it moves at a snails pace. The writer has clearly never heard the concept of "show, don't tell" as goddamn EVERYTHING needs to be explained. there is no subtlety. And that would be somewhat okay if there was meaning to it. But what the characters experience is so surface that it doesn't need explaining. Take the first arc with old dude's girl being "used"...There is no progression, no build up, no real stakes to this fight. It's just an idiot protagonist setting an arbitrary date to get his ass kicked and piss himself. And there's no payoff as the guy who did it is now too weak to fight back and is effectively out of the story. He's just a piece of shit with an easy life and no depth to him at all. Our female protagonists are needy, manipulative and yet somehow indecisive teenagers in adult bodies. Shall I keep going? I'm trying not to spoil it for some people who for whatever reason want to check it out themselves but I can write you a dissertation on how character motivations and actions don't make sense, it's not faithful to real life despite it obviously trying to be "realistic", and even the ending is just a rushed, slobby attempt to try and wrap things up. It's short, unsatisfying, and I have 0 interest in reading it again.
BurningHalo @burninghalo I honest to God had hope for it. When I saw beginning scenes I was anticipating it going somewhere...either never did or was ultimately brushed aside. It was like reading some boxing fanfic where the writer kept wanting to do new things so he/she had to hrry up and finish plot point A so that plot point B could be introduced but oh no, if our idiot protagonist actually learned to be a less shitty human being then there'd be no reason for them to do this or that. I KNOW let's just have him never learn any lessons, never develop, never visibly show any signs that he's getting stronger and have the personality and depth of a boy in hs who reads hentai for the plot.
BurningHalo @burninghalo I did not like it Lamb I am. This zero is no hero
Lamby @momoichi i mean, i can disagree with any of that :P i guess its preference, because i like that the mc is a reactive piece of shit xD but thats kinda how its realistic. hes pathetic. he pissed himself during the fight. but at the same time he still gets up and tries. i think the chiharu arch showed him standing up for himself, something hes never done prior in the story. and i gotta say, when chiharu asked about aoyama after the fight, i fucking loved. shes such a piece of shit. and his reaction is so justified xD i think that development too, deciding to stop white knighting her. i agree with one of your points, the female architypes in that story are "i lik da bad gai, u nais but hes hawt." thats annoying, even hana ended up being like that. when i think of a shit mc, i think of the guy from re:zero. that was the type of pathetic and annoying and learn nothing i hate because its not even relatable. and thats what the mc fuckin for, to BE relatable
Lamby @momoichi sucks you ddint like it, but now im gonna give your manga choice a try and see how that is
Lamby @momoichi i mean, i can't disagree with any of that :P* i gotta spell check before i send xD
Lamby @momoichi left a comment for BurningHalo
Jul 15, 18 at 7:36pm
oohh speaking of boxing! have you ever read boys on the run!? https://img.fireden.net/a/image/1469/92/1469921684211.png
BurningHalo @burninghalo As a matter of fact I have not. Heard of it though
Lamby @momoichi left a comment for BurningHalo
Jul 15, 18 at 7:35pm
lel found this gem xD https://i.imgur.com/46QIKkN.gif
Lamby @momoichi this is why you wear sports bras, gals
BurningHalo @burninghalo Na, see how many hits she's getting in? That's a solid distraction...and makes the guys "solid" too ಠ‿↼
Lamby @momoichi you play dirty >W> i like it >W>
Lamby @momoichi left a comment for BurningHalo
Jul 15, 18 at 7:35pm
kukukuku dont underestimate me! https://78.media.tumblr.com/fdff1ef33e9ab8441e5a0d5074bfcd76/tumblr_p7gbb2in671tndn6wo1_500.gif
Lamby @momoichi left a comment for BurningHalo
Jul 15, 18 at 6:55pm
ill have you know iv been watching megalow boxing, so i think you may want to rethink challenging me to a fight https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/original/001/359/147/b6e.gif
Lamby @momoichi left a comment for BurningHalo
Jul 15, 18 at 5:03pm
(retsuko is best girl) http://d.facdn.net/art/diives/1525992384/1525992384.diives_retsuko_clothes_gif.gif
sadjester @sadjester left a comment for BurningHalo
Jul 15, 18 at 7:40am
Rest assured (see what I did there) I'll definitely be taking it easy today. XD This is me right now: https://data.whicdn.com/images/310725364/original.gif
BurningHalo @burninghalo See, you get me. I appreciate that XD
BurningHalo @burninghalo Enjoy your Sunday
sadjester @sadjester Thanks. Hope you have a great day as well!
sadjester @sadjester left a comment for BurningHalo
Jul 14, 18 at 10:35am
Yeah, I had that feeling earlier in the week, when I killed it. Almost killed myself too, though. Hahaha. XD https://78.media.tumblr.com/14322e57573dc7b029988e4ccb65b986/tumblr_ob7ml4YFnt1uuj1vto1_500.gif
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Lamby @momoichi left a comment for BurningHalo
Jul 13, 18 at 8:53pm
BurningHalo @burninghalo I have not really watched Bojack Horseman
Lamby @momoichi DO IT. JUST. DO IT. and then we can talk about all the meta shit. also *gives tissues* fyi the first half of the season is good, but its not great. near the end of the first season you see how true and deep this show is. and each season is only a step above in greatness
BurningHalo @burninghalo As long as there's no incest
Lamby @momoichi ..............................................................................................................not for the first season >W> *jk*
BurningHalo @burninghalo Btw, you heard about miss red panda getting a second season?