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vipulvis @vipulvis
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vipulvis @vipulvis
heya ;)

Kensaku Toahiku @kensakutoahiku
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Kensaku Toahiku @kensakutoahiku

bellableubelle @bellableubelle
bellableubelle @bellableubelle
Wow, it has been ages since I have been on here...
Hey everyone!

bellableubelle @bellableubelle
commented on
Hey everyone!
bellableubelle @bellableubelle
Nice to meet you both!
Origin of your username

bellableubelle @bellableubelle
commented on
Origin of your username
bellableubelle @bellableubelle
I'm not only a huge anime and manga fan I'm also kind of a huge nerd when it comes to things like faeries and mythological creatures and such. The bleu belle was a favorite faerie of mine when I was younger so that's kind of how that happened. It also works well with my name so I cycle between other words that I think go well with my name too when making usernames