Origin of your username

Henagata @henagata
Origin of your username
Henagata @henagata
would be intresting to hear how some of these names came to be.
I myself picked Henagata from Saber marionetta J but in the english dub it sounded like there was an E so i misspelled it from Hanagata

Phoenix @animecountryboy
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Origin of your username
Phoenix @animecountryboy
Originally it was animecountyboy.... since i am one lol now it is phoenix because it is something that represents me

zeroe0 @zeroe0
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Origin of your username
zeroe0 @zeroe0
group in school i was called zero. got older and decided to combine my nick name "roe" to make zeroe. the number 0 just came along

Proud Beast @proudbeast
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Origin of your username
Proud Beast @proudbeast
My screen name refers to a lion since it is relevant to what my real name is.
@Henagata: I'm curious to know why you choose that character out of everyone else in the series. Some people I talked to about SMJ absolutely hated that guy lol

Lamby @momoichi
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Origin of your username
Lamby @momoichi
my original name was momoichi, an anime char i thought of kind based off me. momo came from a nickname my ex gave me
but now i just change it when i boring :D

KitsuneRena @kitsunerena
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Origin of your username
KitsuneRena @kitsunerena
I like foxes/kitsune and Rena from .hack//Legend of the Twilight (manga, the anime sucked) because I liked and related well with her, plus I just love the BlackRose character and avatar. Now Kitsune Rena is sorta my persona/OC of me with fox ears and a tail.

Rezikai @rezikai
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Origin of your username
Rezikai @rezikai
I played a shit ton of console games back in the day and I usually used 1 of 2 names, Rez was the name I usually used. However later when most games went online and you had to have a name longer then 3 letters i put the extended version on the end of Rez, and a legend was born.
Legend in my own mind sure... but a dope one none the less :P

ronined @ronined
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Origin of your username
ronined @ronined
Loved Saber J and was my first anime I watch when I knew what anime was. :D
As for my nickname. It is based on the old term of what ronin meant since it has at least two meanings these days. One is a student that has not passed the entrance exams and is waiting to take them again. Like the main character of the show called Love Hina. The other is the older meaning of a wandering/masterless Samurai that is finding his own path in life through one area to the next like the main character in the series called Kaze no Yojimbo. I would fit in the second definition in this case since I am a student that travels more than the average one and I love the history behind Japan especially the Sengoku and Edo period. :D

Yiffy Bunny @yiffy_bunny
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Origin of your username
Yiffy Bunny @yiffy_bunny
First off, I love Bokko, the Dr Comet art of my avatar from Osamu Tezuka's "Wonder 3", so the Bunny part is biased by that, combined with the stereotypical view of Rabbits and Bunnies as having a propensity at reproduction, I have a strong sex drive. Then from the furry community, I applied the word Yiffy just to stress the sex drive point all the more, hence Yiffy Bunny.

Ridingcatbus @ridingcatbus
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Origin of your username
Ridingcatbus @ridingcatbus
The cat bus in My Neighbor Totoro. I collect cat buses.
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