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BearlyNormal @bearlynormal
BearlyNormal @bearlynormal
Well I'm still new here, but I would like to make friends with a lot of people. So hi ^-^ I'm horribly awkward at making conversation though... ;-; please help.

elhaym @elhaym
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elhaym @elhaym
Nothing special what I would talk about :3

BearlyNormal @bearlynormal Well Would you be able to list your top 3 favorite anime? also How's Germany?

elhaym @elhaym
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elhaym @elhaym
I'm doing fine - just chilling now and eating a desert :3

BearlyNormal @bearlynormal Nice! It's game time for me now ^-^ anything you wanna talk about?
Last one to post here wins

BearlyNormal @bearlynormal
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Last one to post here wins
BearlyNormal @bearlynormal the last one here wins... So you'd have to be the last person on the site ever?
Post Pet Pics!

BearlyNormal @bearlynormal
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Post Pet Pics!
BearlyNormal @bearlynormal

He is my love ^-^