dragonflylori @dragonflylori
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dragonflylori @dragonflylori
This account has been suspended.
Neko-chi™ @yunoxyukki
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Neko-chi™ @yunoxyukki
Thanks for the request
sonicfucker69 @sonicfucker69
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sonicfucker69 @sonicfucker69
Amen brother
The Pervy Otaku @simonlittlewolfwoman
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The Pervy Otaku @simonlittlewolfwoman
Haha..aww that too bad you know maybe deadpool looking for a team mate with that special ability lol.
The Pervy Otaku @simonlittlewolfwoman
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The Pervy Otaku @simonlittlewolfwoman
HAHA!!I guess...I am a pervert but wait a minute...-stares-
How did you know?!!It was your animal senses...huh??XD
Anna☽kouhai @magnoli
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Anna☽kouhai @magnoli
no problem hehe :3
Anna☽kouhai @magnoli
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Anna☽kouhai @magnoli
hehe thank you :) i love doing details ^^ oh i'm glad it inspired you :) btw i just love your cat ears :3
lightlilly01 @lightlilly01
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lightlilly01 @lightlilly01
Sorry for the late reply I've been pretty busy. But I'm going to try and save up to Cosplay the blonde kid from the magical boy anime. And I've been saving up to fix up and remake certain props for my cosplays. brs is one that I can't wait to Cosplay again for the summer con though.
Brood @brood
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Brood @brood
Hey i'm not dead! I have been meaning to message you about stuff! I just have been realllllly busy! Hello friend! I wanna learn how to teach my dog to use the toilet but he's an outside dog but I wanna make enough money to rent an apartment that allows dogs first.
Why cats btw? Why not dogs? I mean to each their own because some people like spaghetti and some people like chips and salsa.... Okay those things aren't really comparable but my point is people like different things! ok brb
Aki-kun @czaranime
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Aki-kun @czaranime
Arc, you will not be alone forever, you are too kawaii, ask that kendo girl out, after you show her that you take kendo seriously.