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OakMan @oakman
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OakMan @oakman
Your welcome :D Yeah Pokemon and Deadpool forever! Nah, you do awesome :) Oh yeah dragon type pokemon got powerful moves, hyperbeam’s my favorite move even though it takes a bit to recharge lol. There’s also fire blast, mega punch, sky uppercut, so much good stuff! That’s right win or lose, you’ll get stronger after each battle, but it’s better when you win XD Heh, Can’t wait! You are a fun person no doubt ;) Gengar is a great classic too, alot of fans like him. Thanks :D Zuko was the only character that I liked in Avatar, mostly cause he’s more in control of his skills to the point he doesn’t need to fire bend in order to fight. Plus he trained Aang how to fire bend, which is also the most dangerous of the elements. I only say that because when Aang fire bended for the first time, he lost control and burnt Katara. (She was ok though, she learned how to heal injuries with her water bending at that time.) Bad faith, I’m sure glad I didn’t had that growing up XD
Yeah, I mean if you want, I just thought it be better for both of us if we talked on skype. Heck, we can do that or do both Skype and Maiotaku. It’s up to you too, either way I’ll be chatting with you :D Thank you so much 0//0 Yeah, we’ll be alright talking non stop to each other anyway XD Yes of course, I’ll show you a pic lol. Yeah listen to one of their songs and tell me what you think! That sucks :( but at least you got his autograph, better make sure you hold on to that lol. Yes please do! Yeah, hopefully they’ve seen Blue Exorcist and SAO already when I show up there as Rin XD I remember when I asked cosplayers to share a photo with me, they were all super happy about it afterwards, so maybe I’ll get a turn at that too lol. Hey Lindsay, if you really would like to go to Wizard’s Comic Con this september, just let me know and I can set up a place for you to stay here without having to worry about buying a hotel room. Thanks! and no problem! Yep, best kind of anime girls...In my opinion XD Me, going out with Shura, that’s dream come true right there! lol. Darn, now I’m all hyped up for us to go do that XD Shura really is a strong and awesome character, like how she decided to watch over Rin so that he can achieve his goal :D I love the music in Fairy Tail, gets me all fired! Somewhere in the future I’ll take that class, just hard for me to tell right now from where I’m at in career choices :(
Yeah, Veku. I remember Gotenks going through that same transformation, they just didn’t mention if it was someone else or still Gotenks but different. Bummer, be sure to check it out whenever you can after you get caught up with your other animes :) Ha! you used my full name that’s funny! XD ( Aw It was alright, don’t feel bad.) I promise I won’t lose my talent, since you asked me not to. :D
$$$$$$$$$$$$ Better than that time with the golden magikarp lol. (Poor james though.)

OakMan @oakman
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OakMan @oakman
I’m glad we have the same insight on how family should be treated and how important they should be :D I also wish for the best of you and your family, and hope the road is a clear one as well :) You’re right, the past isn’t important, the future is what I aim for. Pokemon, for better or for worse, I’ll always be a fan XD Oh my gosh, Deadpool and that song, too hilarious to put it into words XD I never get angry when a trainer wants to battle me, in fact I always say bring it on! Sorry, sometimes I get ahead of myself lol.
LOL you did that so well! Yeah, probably because it’s also a dragon type that it can use flamethrower. Still awesome XD By the way, Since we can talk on Skype now, should we move this over to there or keep it on here?
Yeah defiantly pack yourself with lots of cure items cause you never know what’s gonna happen. Yeah! Sounds like you’re already a pokemon master :D Heh, I figured you were that powerful enough to be at least the last member of the Elite Four :P I would love to battle you anyday! Hey I’m not judging, so no need to apologize. In fact I’m glad to know you can be mean like that, it just tells me you’re fun to fight! XD Thanks, I always liked how the types looked, most of the ghost types look dorky, but compared to their final evolutions, they look scary strong! -///- I don’t know about me being smarter than him, but I’m pretty far out there when it comes to skill and intelligence. Oh yeah! another similar character, Zuko just didn’t know what he was really fighting for, all his life he’s been told what he should be and what he should do, something like that is hard to get out of. But I think Mewtwo made up his own mind sooner than Zuko did, even if it was for him to enslave humans lol. Sometimes I have to be careful when I’m on the internet because I don’t have free internet service, so I use the hotspot on my phone and it’s more expensive the more time I stay on :( No problem at all Lindsay, I’m just glad I met someone like you :) I’m also glad you liked my crossover render, anytime I make another I’ll be sure to show you it. Yeah sooooo many things to talk about. If we never shut up, I’ll be cool with that as long as I’m talking to you XD Yeah that’s right, you wouldn’t know there was more to a movie than just entertainment unless you knew the basics and elements used in making a movie. Awesome! I’ll keep an eye out for any big game events that I can take you to :) Lol, next time when we’re on skype I’ll send you a picture of Johnny, just so you know I’m not lying XD Yeah, he plays guitar too in his band. Eyeshine is the name of it. Oh wow, yeah you should of taken his picture that is so funny XD It really does sound like alot of fun by the way you said it, I just hope it’ll be just as fun for me :) You should send me pics of the cons you went to too :D Cool! yeah, It’s fine, she can send them to me that way. Yeah, those kind of anime girls are my favorite, I got wide-eyed when I saw girls cosplaying as them, they were so cool! I said I was kidding, but I guess I should know by now that I can’t fool you lol. I really would like to do that with you too. It was something I thought of doing once, but I didn’t think I would meet someone who would want to do that with me. Say what you want to me, but I think you would look hot cosplaying as Shura 0///0 She’s tough, no argument there lol. I do like the fight scenes in One Piece, but there’s not enough of them, so I side with Fairy Tail XD That’s a good idea, But I think I should go do another animation class first lol.
It’s ok, after I answered the third question, I had to look up the fat fusion guy’s name. It was Veku from Fusion Reborn. See? I got flaws too XD YES!
Hehe, why not appreciate one when you can go for all? XD Hmmm, maybe, maybe not...yet lol. Man you and I, I think we would make the best animation movie ever!

OakMan @oakman
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OakMan @oakman
Yep! XD that’s how families are meant to be, no matter if they’re small in number, or got a few dents, always keep your family close. I’m proud to be part of mine, even though we’ve been going through some rough roads here lately...But that story is for another time and I don’t wanna ruin what I got with you right now :) Funny how Team Rocket is ALWAYS where Ash is, and Pickachu would be there like a sitting duck, out in the opening, just begging to be kidnapped...again lol. Pokemon logic kills my brain cells, (Hey deadpool! I think I know how you feel everyday now!) I do enjoy a good test of skill, makes it worth all that training and leveling up. That’s true, even Brock said that about Charmander. Oh! Like Gyrados using flamethrower? I thought that was the coolest thing they did with a water type pokemon. Yeah! But where would you be at in rank? There’s first, second, third, and then last member of the Elite Four. Don’t matter to me, facing just the first member forces me to go all out XD (But I’m like that in every battle lol.) Those are strong types indeed, they have the lowest weakness rate too. My two favorite types? Umm, Dragon and Ghost type Pokemon! Ha, if they made that game, I would be like the living incarnation of Professor Oak, but would that be good or bad? Don’t know, they haven’t made the game yet XD Oh rock on! I’ll give this a try then, Thanks Lindsay! Mewtwo, he really is an inspiring character huh? I’m just glad he found peace in the end. Yes, you must go see it! lol. Hehe, and you say I’m too kind? You’re just as bad 0///0 Thank you, for the over 9000th time. I admire of how well you pay attention to detail and display, and you’re honest about it too, something I learn to respect greatly for over time. Actually, I made a bunch of pictures using anime renders to make crossovers. I can send you one on skype if you like. I love crossovers XD Charizard is like the snoop dog of pokemon! Nah just kidding lol.
I’m glad too! Yeah since then I’ve been waiting by my computer for when I see your online icon turned on! (Not really...well sorta.) -///- No worries, yeah trust me, lots of things had happened before the movie’s current timeline lol. Once I see it, you’ll be the first to know I promise :D Just have to wait and see for now, but that would make this year the best if I meet you. Oh yeah, we gonna be talking alright, sooooo much for us to discuss XD I think it’s great other best known movie creators notice each one another like that. So many elements in filming, It’s awesome! Seriously? You never been to a live baseball game? Then you and I have GOT to meet up. I’ll take you to one, I’m pretty sure my dad and uncle would approve too. yeah, just one of those werid shows lol. Yes way! I got a picture with him and everything! this guy does everything! He stars in live action shows, dubs over a hundred animes, and he plays in his own band! I can look up to him :D Skyrim is awesome! I’m grateful as well, thank you again :) That’s all I’m really doing it for, the fun and the excitement, I just want to have a great first experience and then maybe do it again someday. Who cares what others may think of it, it’s the positive comments I keep in mind. Yeah send me some pics of Shiemi if you would please! Shura? Rocking choice! hmmm...Ya know, according to Rin, Shura is his type of girl...Maybe you could cosplay as Shura and I’ll go as Rin and call that a date? Nah just kidding XD Haha, that she does, but man is she strong! Yay feisty redheads! lol. One Piece and Fairy Tail I thought were two similar mangas, but both are worth reading and watching I just slide more over to Fairy Tail. BIG eating contest and then a fight later on! Brilliant! Gotta Burn Them All! (Johnny Storm:It’s catchy right?) Tails and mullets are what make you stronger XD
All three correct Again! Dang you’re good! Honestly, I thought the first was too tricky cause with that long of an answer. Plus, Future Future Trunks tried beating Cell in his Ultra-Saiyan form, but it made his body move too slow from the over swelling in the muscles. The fight would be never ending since Trunks couldn’t match his speed with his strength.
How these actually look stronger...Here it goes!
1. Nimbus can only fly up to as high as Kami’s lookout, and in a way, the lookout is right next door to King Yenma’s office., so It goes VERY high.
2. Yamcha was a Baseball player?
3.Gogeta, Vegetto, Gotenks....Ugh! I can’t remember the fat one’s name! He sucked so bad I had to forget about him! They mention his name right?
Yeah, the villain would be waiting for them there with artifact in hand.
Villain:”Why must worlds stay separated from one another? Don’t you see I am bringing everything and everyone together by accomplishing this?
Sophie:”The worlds aren’t coming together! They’re colliding against each other! Any more closer and all the lands will be crushed from the impact! No one will be safe when that happens!”
Villain:”Whatever outcome may come to pass, the result is all that I seek.”
Baron:”So you seek destruction? Had you said this before I would politely point out the foolishness in your acts, but this is beyond foolishness!”
Villain:”What do you know of foolishness cat!? To be trapped forever in a world that refuses to take you in? To be bounded to a reality that knows no dignity?” What can be MORE foolish than that!?”
Baron”One sprint ahead of you milady!”
Baron gently knocks him out cold. THE END XD

animationalstar @animationalstar
commented on
animationalstar @animationalstar
Thank you!
Oh, haven't been to Anime Expo, but that is definitely on my list! :D

animationalstar @animationalstar
animationalstar @animationalstar
Greetings, everyone! I am new to this site, and happy to be amongst fellow otaku! My name's Lindsay, and I have a variety of animes I am interested in, looking for some friends :D
Do you guys go to conventions? And if so, which ones?
May 24-26
Aug 9-11
Nov 1-3
Apr 10-13