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Elizabeth @anjukuran
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Alex Den
Elizabeth @anjukuran
Woah! Another Torontoarian!

Alex Den @alexsenpai
Alex Den @alexsenpai
wooo boy that anime dawg... goddam!!! *snorts hard and pounds my foot into the dust* gddam anime!
Dub versus Sub

Alex Den @alexsenpai
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Dub versus Sub
Alex Den @alexsenpai
how can dubs be cleanly translated? the nuances of the english language are just as great as in japanese. "hi" and "bye" rhyme in english, but "arigatou" and "sayonara" don't rhyme in japanese. it may seem like a dumb comparison but language differences such as the example i mentioned play a huge role in translating japanese media, especially when it comes to specific references, or jokes. words sounding the same as a cats meow (japanese contains lots of onomatopoeia jokes) and so on.
think of it the other way - try translating english jokes into japanese? there are multiple puns or even intentional misspellings of words that get jokes across. there was a 'joke' i heard combining 'comfortable' and 'affordable' into 'comfordable', how would you go about translating that into japanese?
that being said i really could not give a shit about subs or dubs. if the dub is bad, i watch subs. 75% of times subs are the easiest to find so i watch them. Brotherhood was very good subbed, same with Ouran, etc etc.
日本語できる人いる?(Does anyone can speak or write Japanese?)

Alex Den @alexsenpai
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日本語できる人いる?(Does anyone can speak or write Japanese?)
Alex Den @alexsenpai
sure, you could use the library... or a DS game, or you could use this sick, pimped out, fresh rydin 400 page textbook and workbook at the university level