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akirakenshiro90 @akirakenshiro90
akirakenshiro90 @akirakenshiro90
Yeah it's nice to have friends that have things in common with. I also have discord and i've been trying to find servers for otakus.
What are you on Mo for?

Coco @yukiasato
What are you on Mo for?
Coco @yukiasato
Hello everyone, My name is coco. Pleasure in meeting you Guys.
What are you all looking for on mo? Sorry, I know random question but I like to meet new people be friend them. I am also here to find that specail someone someday. However most importantly I'm here for friends that blossom into friendship if something happens then awesome it not. Friendship is better then a relationship half the time is what I think and believe anyway.
I love to hear what you guys have to say. I don't mind being added and messaged. I do have a discord and a discord hang out server I find it easier to talk on then here at times.

Coco @yukiasato Your in luck. You can come hang in my server I'll dm you the link. That way when you do join. You can add me faster threw there. Please read the rules click the hot head emoji to get access to the server. Then pick your roles. One for each role channel

akirakenshiro90 @akirakenshiro90
akirakenshiro90 @akirakenshiro90

My character from RDO. I call that outfit the Soul Reaper

akirakenshiro90 @akirakenshiro90
akirakenshiro90 @akirakenshiro90
It would be nice to meet new friends here. Any RE Biohazard fans in this site?

akirakenshiro90 @akirakenshiro90
akirakenshiro90 @akirakenshiro90
It would be nice to meet new friends here. Any RE Biohazard fans in this site?