Aug 21, 24 at 7:51pm

Mountain Curly @forgetmenot
commented on
Returning Foo_Fighter
Mountain Curly @forgetmenot
I... considered it, but I have "priorities" if you catch my drift
Aug 20, 24 at 3:55am
1. What is your favorite type of bird? I really love Chickadees, they remind me of my twin with their adorable roundness. I also love peacocks
2. What is your favorite little snack or treat? I just like idk if I have an exact favorite. But anything strawberry, spicy or cookies n' cream flavored is a must for me
3. If 3+3=6 and 3×3=9 then what is something you used to be afraid of as a child but outgrew? Umm...idk? Maybe I'd say the fear of genuinely hating someone is something I grew out of (huge question mark lol)
4. What is an activity you have never done but would like to try at least once? Sleeping on time
5. Do you prefer your cookies fully baked or a little under baked? I just like cookies. But either or is fine
2. What is your favorite little snack or treat? I just like idk if I have an exact favorite. But anything strawberry, spicy or cookies n' cream flavored is a must for me
3. If 3+3=6 and 3×3=9 then what is something you used to be afraid of as a child but outgrew? Umm...idk? Maybe I'd say the fear of genuinely hating someone is something I grew out of (huge question mark lol)
4. What is an activity you have never done but would like to try at least once? Sleeping on time
5. Do you prefer your cookies fully baked or a little under baked? I just like cookies. But either or is fine
Aug 19, 24 at 11:05pm
Well since I haven't heard other reports I am assuming it's probably a bug due to a deleted post or something like that, that will eventually go away, let me know if not.
Aug 18, 24 at 7:52am
Joke's on them I ruined my credit on my own with student loans.

Aug 17, 24 at 9:54pm
This account has been suspended.
Aug 17, 24 at 11:25am
Aug 16, 24 at 11:13am
Aug 16, 24 at 5:18am
Can't tell if the above comment was another AI bot promoting a service or someone legitimately shelling out for a dying taxi service when all the kids are about that Uber Lyft nowadays, haha!
Aug 15, 24 at 12:22pm
Aug 08, 24 at 4:02am
Ahora que la selección de asientos de Southwest no está disponible, los pasajeros se organizan en grupos de embarque. El grupo de preembarco incluye a quienes necesitan tiempo adicional, como personas con discapacidades. El Grupo A está compuesto por viajeros con mejoras de embarque o tarifas Business Select, dividido en A1-A15 y A16-A60. Los que no califican para preembarque pero necesitan asistencia pueden abordar después del Grupo A. El embarque familiar y los miembros de las Fuerzas Militares en Servicio Activo también tienen prioridad. Los Grupos B y C incluyen al resto de los viajeros. Para más detalles, visita AirTripGo.
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7 months ago • Creative Writing
Aug 08, 24 at 1:35am
Aug 07, 24 at 2:30pm
Aug 07, 24 at 1:02am